Thread: Fiction: Discovering my sexuality
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Old 04-21-2016, 04:15 AM   #8
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Default Discovering my sexuality PART 8


Blake solemnly dragged his feet to the kitchen. In hindsight, I probably hadn't wanted him to do it anyway, I would have just used it to see how far he would actually go with these. I guess I pushed the boundary.

I followed his naked body through the house, the cold tiles coarse beneath my feet. Blake pulled the freezer open and snapped a couple of ice cubes free before beginning to walk back to the room. I grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to a halt. His skin was warm and slightly shaky under my hand.

"Um, actually, you're doing the punishment in here," I whispered. "Don't even try to talk your way out of this, it's a punishment for a reason."

Blake gave me a nasty scowl. Clearly unhappy, he put an ice cube in each specified position.

"I'm glad for puberty," he began. "The hair in my armpits keeps most of the cold out."

"Doesn't change the fact that it will get cold," I replied coldly.

Blake clenched his ass tightly, and he squirmed uncomfortably.

"By Odin's beard, that hurts like fuck!" cried Blake.

I didn't reply.

It went on for several more minutes before Blake dropped the one from his dick, claiming it was far too sensitive.

My foot moved swiftly into Blake's crotch, which felt far too cold. Blake bit his lip to hold in a cry. He picked up the ice cube off the floor awkwardly, holding back tears, and moved to put it back on his dick. I grabbed it halfway there and told him to take a quick ten second break. He didn't hesitate to let the ice drop out of him, like he was some kind of ice-dispenser.

He heaved deep breathes, attempting to warm up his ass quickly. Now that I had a good view of it, he had a nice, tight asshole, with not too much hair there. Enough to make it enticing, but not too much to make it uncomfortable.

I called time. "Put all of them in your mouth for 3 minutes."

Blake obeyed mindlessly, swiftly returning the ice cubes to his body. 3 minutes passed quickly, and I knew that the ice would be getting small, soon I could no longer manipulate him. I frantically thought for a moment. What could I possibly do to lengthen the dare?

"Now you must transfer all ice cubes to my mouth without the use of your hands. If you use your hands, you must be my slave for 20 minutes. If I don't count the same amount you started with in my mouth, you must be my slave for an hour."

Blake's eyes filled with a fire, a fire to impress, a fire to win.

Maybe a fire for me.
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