Thread: Fiction: Discovering my sexuality
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Old 04-03-2016, 05:43 AM   #2
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Default Discovering my sexuality PART 2


I was shocked. Not once in my entire life had Will ever been dirty. I'd always tried to get him to play truth or dare with me, but he's never obliged me. I couldn't show him he'd beat me; out-dirtying me wasn't allowed.

"Fine. Here are the rules: 1. Each ball potted against you = one article of clothing off. 2. Potting the 8 Ball prematurely causes you to lose like normal, but the other player has three free spanks. 3. If you lost, you have to stand outside on the deck for a minute completely naked."

This was gonna be intense. I couldn't believe I'd just made those rules.

"Deal," Will replied smoothly.

This was dangerous. The deck outside was on the second floor right outside the pool table, on top of the fact that it was mid afternoon and there would be lots of people out there.

"Ok, both of us should have 8 articles on right now?" I said, thinking of shoes, socks, underwear, tracksuits, a t-shirt and a hoodie. Will nodded. I lined up the shot and fired. The explosions of ball on ball clanged, and they all exploded everywhere. A lucky 2 dropped into a corner pocket.

I turned around and faced Will. "I'm on smalls, have fun with one shoe."

Will took his shoe off nonchalantly. I lined up my next shot at a 5 simply asking to be potted. I tapped and the 5 slid in easily.

"Not looking good for you, William."

"It's not over until the fat lady sings."

We alternated, shot over shot, and still no one potted anything. Breaking the spell, Will managed to drop the 9 and 12 on the same turn and set up for 11 and 13.

"What the hell, noo!" I cried, stripping off my shoes and socks.

Will lined up for yet another shot, and smacked away. He missed and slammed straight into a pocket.

"Thanks for the 2 shots!"

Will shot me a nasty look.

The game remained neck and neck mere several minutes later. We were both with 2 balls left, not including the 8 ball. I managed to sink the 7, and Will slipped his shirt off, revealing his nicely built torso. He had firm pecs and solid abs. His v-line was sharp.

I felt a semi grow in my crotch. What the hell?

I took my next shot but was completely distracted. I couldn't think straight. I was pretty sure I wasn't gay, but how could I possibly know for sure? It's not like I'd ever had a girlfriend. I missed, and Will abused his two shots and sank two balls, magically leaving me snookered

I stripped down to my boxers and hoped to god my semi wasn't obvious.

I slowed my breathing, and blocked out Will's sexy body. I jumped the white ball over the 8 ball and knocked two of mine in. Will screamed in fury. I now had a perfect shot to nail; a clear, basic shot to win. Before I took my shot, I glanced over at Will. His dick was very obviously slightly aroused by all this; he had a semi.

I liked up and sank the 8 ball, but I shouted in fury. I just lost. I sank the white ball right after the black.

Will shouted at me. "AHAHA! AHAHAHA! YOU'RE SO BAD! TAKE IT OFF!"

I blushed. "Can you not look? I'm embarrassed..." I said, but really I wanted to hide my semi.

"Sure thing, I'll set up the timer. Enjoy you're time in the wind, strip boy!"
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