Thread: Fiction: Discovering my sexuality
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Old 04-03-2016, 05:04 AM   #1
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Default Discovering my sexuality


My eyes shot open. Another morning in supposed paradise. Every single time I got away from school, I was sent off with my family to go to our family beach house. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing here; the surf rolls off in spectacular barrels, the wind always down, the sun always bright. It was the life.

And yet I always hated it. I got so bored so easily. Nothing was a challenge. Which was correct, because there was always nothing to do.

The best part of my day was when my best friend came down for a few days. Will was such a sick lad, and he and I had been friends for more than I could remember.

I walked into the kitchen in nothing more than boxers; mum would be at the library doing a club, and dad would be upstairs working. However, to my surprise, someone sat at the marble bench watching the crystal clear water. He was tall, and was bulked up. He had a tan complexion from too many days in the sun, accompanied by ash blonde hair. He couldn't have been much older than me; maybe 15.

It was only then I recognised the kid. He had grown a lot of muscle in the last few months.

"Hey, Will!" I cried. I strode towards him, a wide grin forming on my face.

"Blake!" Will replied, whipping around and embracing me tightly.

"Fuck, man, you've been to the gym far too much. Too big you are," I said.

"Shortass, calm down," he said cheekily. I was a solid head and a bit shorter than Will.

"Shall we go surfing?" I asked.

"I didn't just travel by train for a couple hours for nothing, did I?"


I threw my board in and dived into the water. It was cold, but bearable. I knew soon enough I would be numb.

"Despite it being great to see you again, Will, but why are you here?"

"Mum and Dad are going up North and didn't trust me enough to leave me alone for a few days. Probably had something to do with the break up," Will admitted.

I'd completely forgotten about the break up. Will had been dating a very hot girl, Rachel Queen, but she'd cheated on him for her ex. Will was still sensitive about the subject, so I decided to just enjoy the surf.

Will and I had spent well over four hours in the water, and talked about some great banter. By the time we got out it was almost 3.30.

"We should head back," I said, pained. "You should probably announce yourself to my parents."

We walked back, almost wordlessly again.

"When we get back, let's play some pool," I said. "I've gotten much better."

"Ok, Blake, but we all know who'll win..." he jabbed a thumb towards himself.

"First person back gets first shower, and the person with first shower gets to break!" I cried. I bolted ahead of Will, leaving him behind me.


I had first shower and Will had talked to my dad, who promptly left to get dinner's ingredients. He wasn't going to be back for another hour, and he needed to pick mum up, so Will and I would be alone. Little did I know what he had in store for me...

I'd set up pool and was lining up my first shot when Will interrupted me.
"How about we make this more interesting?" he said.

"How so?" I replied innocently.

He winked. "How about some good ol' fashion strip pool?"
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