Thread: Fiction: Sorority Sisters by Blood
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Old 03-22-2016, 03:43 PM   #20
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Apr 2012
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Posts: 262

Chapter 8

The next morning, the Tuesday, Mia woke to her own alarm, shocked and confused. She felt entirely different to the night before when she had finally climbed back into her own bed. She had returned to her room the previous night glowing from the greatest orgasm of her life; she had hugged Cal for being so amazing and answering all her questions. The two girls had spent almost an hour talking about everything and nothing after they had come back to reality. Mia assumed Cal had enjoyed it too; the girl seemed happy to chat away. When it finally got late, Mia had almost floated back to her room, finding Becky already asleep in bed, before slipping into a happy dream.

Now her eyes were wide open in the low light of the morning though, Mia felt her stomach tie up in knots. What had actually happened the night before, what did it mean about her, what would people think, what did she think about it, what about Steph? All these questions and more flooded into her head, one on top of the other, sending her into a complete emotional overload. She wanted to run for the hills, get out of this house, and never come back. The place seemed too strange, seemed to challenge her too much.

“How did you sleep?” Becky asked startling Mia, who turned quickly towards the other bed. Becky was looking at her sheepishly, only making fleeting eye contact. Mia wondered what the girl was thinking, wondered what might have happened with her junior.
“It was fine, you?” Mia asked.
“Not bad… you?”
“I just said it was fine,” Mia said. Both girls were clearly beating around the bush and doing it poorly. Both needed to talk about last night, both wanted to but were scared of what the answer might be. Finally Becky took a deep breath, sat up, exposing her breasts which bounced perkily and bit her lip. The words wanted to burst from her.

“What happened to you last night?” she finally asked hurriedly, the words tumbling out. For a moment Mia was silent, cursing herself for not managing to ask the question first, hoping to find out what Becky would say and adjust her answer accordingly if needed. She hadn’t though and now wondered whether to tell her roommate everything or hold some of it back. Mia had almost decided to admit only up to the point of playing with her breasts and then not being able to go through with it. She looked over at Becky though who appeared both nervous and excited and realised that she needed somebody to confide in, somebody to share the information with.

If she wanted to build trust, Mia knew that she needed to be honest. “Well…” she began and then went through every event that had happened that night. She told Becky every detail from spreading her legs on the bed to putting the dirty, dripping dildo into her mouth, everything she said, smelled and heard. Mia kept her eyes closed the whole time, trying to make sure she said everything, to make it real by putting it into the air. Finally after describing her intense orgasm she fell silent, knowing that at least she had been completely honest.

For a while, the silence was returned by Becky. Mia opened her eyes and looked at her; the girl was blushing and Mia felt that in that instant she’d done more than her roommate, that she had completely gone beyond acceptable behaviour and that she had shocked, maybe even appalled, her roommate. Mia’s chest began to tighten as she wanted desperately to hide under her bed sheets in shame.
Becky let out a long sigh. “Thank god,” she said, “I thought I’d been the only one to have a weird experience. Mia looked up at her quickly, seeing a relieved smile on her new friend and felt the same sense of relief filling her body. She let out her own breath that had built up in worry.
“So what happened?” Mia asked. Becky started to hesitate, looking down at her chest to try and get her thoughts in order. Finally she spoke.
“Well you know that my junior is Asuka right?” she said. Mia nodded her head. Asuka was of Japanese heritage, her mother being born in Tokyo. She was about 5 foot 3, well built, powerful. She had quite short hair, dyed a dark shade of pink. She had possibly the largest boobs in the sorority. The girl had been the one to compliment Mia’s ass during the early pledging stages but other than that Mia knew little about her other than that she was Becky’s big sister.

Becky continued. “When I pulled the ‘junior’ slip last night she came straight to me and said I should follow her without speaking. She was smiling and seemed nice, but also seemed deadly serious. So I followed, except she didn’t lead me to her room like Cal did with you. Instead, she led me into the kitchen. I tried to tell her that I wasn’t supposed to go there because, well you know.” Becky quickly indicated her nudity.
“Yeah,” Mia said, hoping that she would continue quickly.

“So anyway, she said that she knew when the kitchen workers were around and that she’d already made sure that it was OK. So she took me into the kitchen. Have you been in there other than the quick tour?” Mia nodded. “Well, there are a bunch of counters and tables in there for preparing food and she told me to sit on one. I said that it wouldn’t be sanitary but Asuka said it would be taken care of and not to question her. So I sat down on a table with my legs dangling off the end. It was really cold so I shivered when I jumped on.

“As soon as I was sitting down… she was really fast,” Becky said, blushing furiously before looking away from Mia. She kept talking though. “In mere seconds she was stood between my legs and was kissing me. I was completely shocked, not even able to move for a minute. I just sat on the table, frozen, whilst Asuka put her hands on either side of my ass, leaned in and placed her lips against mine. At first it was really gently, just soft and delicate. After a few minutes though she got more aggressive, the kisses becoming longer and I felt her tongue sliding out her mouth and flittering along my lips.

“After a minute the shock began to wear off and I realised what was happening you know. Like it felt I was in the middle of making out but not really that into it completely. So I focused on what she was doing. I felt her lips against mine and the smoothness of the skin and… sort of liked it. It was confusing and I was nervous and everything seemed out of balance but she seemed a pretty good kisser. So I started to kiss back, almost as if it wasn’t really a decision. She was going to kiss me so I thought I might as well just go with it.

“Then things got more intense. I opened my mouth and out tongues went into each other’s mouths. Our kisses lasted longer with the speed increasing. I stopped thinking about whether this was right or anything really. None of the guys I dated really liked to kiss, always wanting to next thing so it was nice just to kiss someone who wanted to do it. It felt really good so I didn’t worry about whether it was who I thought I was. Like you said, in the moment, it just felt right.

“So anyway, we kissed for a long time but then she sort of surprised me. My eyes were closed so I didn’t notice her move her hands off the table but suddenly they were on my breasts. I think I squeaked but didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to stop the kissing and her hands felt soft on my breasts so I didn’t say anything to stop her.

“We kept kissing but now she was squeezing my breasts as well. Sometimes she would release them, rubbing her fingers across my nipples gently, teasing me completely. This just made me want to kiss deeper and harder though. I’d never really felt this connection between someone playing with my breasts and what was just a kiss. It didn’t feel awkward at all, she was making my body react and it felt great.

“Then just as suddenly as she started she seemed to stop. She stopped kissing me and just left her hands sitting delicately on my breasts. For a second we just sat there and I started feeling a bit uncomfortable realising what we were doing. Then she asked me if I was… you know… wet. I didn’t say anything at first because it felt totally awkward to be talking about this. Then she told me if I didn’t answer I’d be in trouble, so I admitted that I was. I know, seems weird but she was such a good kisser and it felt so nice. You know what I mean, what I’m talking about.

“So as soon as I said yes she smiled at me and then walked away. I froze and she shouted back at me not to move. Then she walked to the refrigerator, seemed to shuffle around it for a bit and then pulled out two big bowls. She walked back to me and put the bowls down on the table. I was really confused, one was completely empty, the other full of vegetables. I had no idea what was going on.

“Then Asuka reached into the filled bowl and pulled out a cucumber. It was quite small, I don’t know, maybe about five inches long. She handed it to me and told me to put it... you know… in my… pussy. I refused. I shook my head and said I wouldn’t do it, not that. I wasn’t going to stick a vegetable into my pussy, especially not in front of somebody. Asuka then said I had to do it and that I wouldn’t be able to get my deposit back on the dues. I couldn’t even imagine going back to my parents to tell them I had spent two grand on dues and not even get into the sorority. If they asked why I left what would I say. Sorry but I didn’t want to stick a cucumber in me.

“So I did it. I have a dildo, so it wasn’t completely strange or anything but it felt really bizarre in that situation, especially with Asuka watching. And I mean she was really watching, watching me closely. So I slid the cucumber on my slit to get it wet and it felt cold but also felt really good. So I slipped it inside of me. It was really, really wet so sort of just popped tight in, and while it was in Asuka reached up and played with my breasts some more. The combination felt so amazing so I started to slide it faster.

“Then Asuka told me to stop though so I did. She reached forward and with her fingers barely grazing my pussy lips she grabbed the cucumber and pulled it out. It felt really food having her pull it out. The cucumber was now warm and incredibly wet. Asuka quickly handed me a carrot and told me to put that in my pussy now. I was already missing the cucumber so didn’t hesitate. I just started playing with the carrot, slipping it inside of me and liking the way it filled me up. My nipples felt really hard while it went inside of me. I’d never felt anything like it before.

“While I was playing with myself, Asuka set the cucumber on a chopping board and sliced it into a few dozen pieces and dumped them in the empty bowl. I didn’t really understand what she was doing, too distracted by the carrot. I even rubbed my breasts whilst playing with myself. Every second made me wetter and I was grinding my ass on the table.

“Then Asuka told me to stop with the carrot. I groaned because I didn’t want to but I followed the orders. I seemed to realise that when I followed orders pleasure followed. So Asuka slipped the carrot out of me and set it down on the chopping board. We repeated the process with a stalk of celery which sort of hurt but felt surprisingly awesome, a thin green pepper of some sort, and a bean like vegetable that was also sort of shaped like a dick. I’d press it against my clit, slide it in me, play with myself and then hand it to Asuka. Each time I got more aroused. I felt like I was going to explode, needing an orgasm but whenever I got close Asuka would take my vegetable. Then she’d chop each one up and drop it into the bowl.

“Finally, she grabbed the last few things in the bowl. Seven or eight cherry tomatoes, little less than ripe, slightly firm were next. Asuka looked at me and didn’t speak. I knew what to do so I took the first one and rubbed it then when it was coated, sort of just popped it onto me. It felt weird but good. Asuka took the bowl and brought it between my legs. She told me to play with my clit whilst I sort of pushed the tomato out of myself. My fingers felt really good on my clit and the pressure pushing the tomato out was nice. It was too small to hurt, it was kind of fun. It popped out of me into the bowl. She then told me to put the next one in.

“So we kept repeating this over and over again. I played with my clit whilst popping cherry tomatoes into my pussy then pushing them back out again, warm, covered in my juices into the bowl with the other vegetables. Pressure built inside me the whole time. I popped the last tomato in and my fingers were flying around my clit. I gave a push and the exact same instant it popped out of me I came. Mia, you have no idea how intense it was, never, ever have I had an orgasm like that, not even with a vibrator.

“I don’t squirt, or at least I don’t think I do, but I cam hard and a bit of liquid came out of me, dripping down my leg and into the bowl with the vegetables. I sort of fell back on the table panting. The cold metal felt good against my skin. Finally, I sat back up and I saw Asuka already sat at a different table. She beckoned me over and I sat down across from her. The big bowl was between us and had a fork. My god, I almost died! What was she thinking? I could sort of, you know, smell myself in the bowl, the way pussy smells.

“Asuka looked at me and she said something I will never forget. She said, ‘Pussy is my favourite salad dressing,’ and then stuck her fork into it, grabbed a whole bunch of vegetables, and shoved them in her mouth! I was so completely shocked. She chewed making groaning noises, but I couldn’t believe it. Then she opened her eyes and told me to eat.

“I took the fork out of her hand, but really didn’t want to eat the salad. It seemed really dirty, but she was staring me down and I’d already gotten this far, how could I turn back now? So I scooped up a bit of cucumber and pepper and put them into my mouth. Oh God Mia, okay, it mostly tasted like vegetables, but I could definitely taste myself on them. They were a bit wet from my pussy and they tasted… good. I liked it. I thought I would gag, but I just chewed it and swallowed it down. I can’t believe it but it was really nice. I watched Asuka eating it too and it was so… hot. I don’t know, it was like I was a different person.

“So Asuka and I sat in the kitchen and talked for the rest of the night. We shared the rest of the salad, and then had a bit of ice cream. Last night, it didn’t feel weird. I mean it did, but it felt nice as well. It made sense, but now I wake up and I am just thinking about it and…”

“It’s crazy,” Mia interjected. Becky looked at her a little hurt but Mia quickly shook her head. “No not you or what you said or anything. I mean the situation. I agree with you.” Becky nodded. It felt so strange to Mia, having listened to everything Becky had told her. She had started off so nervous but as the story grew, you could feel her excitement rising. Becky’s nipples had grown hard and her face flushed as she spoke. She was clearly aroused, but confused and nervous as well. All the strange emotions that Mia was feeling were mirrored in her friend.

It had been a strangely enticing story for Mia as well. She’d found herself aroused and perplexed in equal measures. The entire time vividly picturing every action Becky had narrated. She’d pictured her kissing Asuka and placing the vegetables inside of Becky. The most arousing thing to Mia was the little meal at the end. She was curious, wondering what it smelt like, what it tasted like. Then Mia felt embarrassed and disgusted by her thoughts.

Mia didn’t know if she wanted to know these things about Becky, whether she wanted to be involved in a place like this. She didn’t seem to know anything, her mind felt fuzzy. As she shook her head to try and focus her thoughts she did realise one thing about this dirty, enlightening and strange conversation she’d had with her roommate though. She knew that somebody was in the same boat as her. It felt good to have someone feeling the same things that she was and she felt closer to Becky as a result. She felt a little more relaxed after the panic she’d been in when first waking up. Maybe she would be able to get through this.

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