Thread: Fiction: Sorority Sisters by Blood
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Old 03-08-2016, 07:32 PM   #13
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: UK
Posts: 262

Chapter 6

“Hi Mia,” a bright voice came from behind her. “God, I just can’t get over how much you look like your sister.” It wasn’t the comment Mia really wanted to hear, trying to stop thinking about Steph. She turned to find her junior sister Cal Jeffers stood there smiling at her. She didn’t know Cal very well; they had spoken a few times during culling but not often. Mia seemed to get the impression that the girl was incredibly sweet but perhaps a little bit ditsy.

“Oh, yeah, people are always telling me that” Mia replied, feeling quite distracted as Cal seemed to be scanning every single inch of her body.
“Yeah, both so… sexy” Cal said. It caused Mia to feel flattered and anxious; it wasn’t a normal compliment and had caught her by surprise. She supposed the same could be said about Cal. She was a small girl, only five foot one. She was in the university on a gymnastics scholarship, and had that toned, athletic build. She had small breasts, perhaps even A-cups, a compact flexible body, with graceful muscles. Her hips flared out wider than her breasts, with muscular long legs and a large firm behind. Her face was pretty, large blue eyes, an aquiline nose and thick lips giving way to a beautiful smile.
“Oh, um… thanks” Mia responded after a pause.

“Damn, even your nipples look just like Steph’s.” This comment took Mia completely aback. Firstly, because it was an extremely bizarre and uncomfortable thing to say, but mostly, despite knowing that nudity was clearly part of the initiation process, Cal was a year younger than her sister, so why had she seen her sister’s nipples. Cal gave her little time to dwell on the thought though. “Come on, I have you for the night, let’s go up to my room.” Other sisters were already leading the pledges across to other areas of the house whilst the pledges looked around nervously. Mia supposed she was doing the same thing. She saw Becky being led off by Asuka towards the kitchens.
“What’s happening?” Mia asked anxiously.

“Just wait until we get to my room,” Cal replied, before taking Mia’s hand gently and leading her from the room. She lowered her voice to a whisper, “It will be better if we get some privacy, Alexis would prefer me to be more of a hardass than I’d like so don’t push it now.” Mia wasn’t really sure what Cal meant but decided it would be better to take her advice. She followed behind the older girl, grasping hold of her like a lifeline as she was guided through the living room and up the stairs. Soon they were on the third floor landing waiting outside Cal’s room.

She opened the door and let Mia inside. “Go ahead and sit on the bed,” she said. Mia followed the instructions and perched herself on the end of the bed with her legs dangling over the bottom. Cal’s room was exactly the same size as Mia’s but she had it completely to herself. It was decorated with pictures and posters of gymnastics events and felt homely. Cal grabbed hold of her swivel chair from her desk, spun it round and wheeled it over. She sat down just in front of Mia and turned to face her.

“So what is going on? This is really starting to freak me out a bit” Mia asked. She wanted some kind of confirmation that this was some kind of weird hazing ritual and that it was nearly over. She had a feeling in her heart that this wouldn’t be the case though.
“I’m really glad that you’re my little sister Mia. Steph was my older sister when I was a freshman here and she was absolutely the best. I feel in a way that I’m repaying her” Cal explained leaning back and relaxing into her chair.

“Yeah?” Mia queried, thinking that if Cal really wanted to pay Steph back then she’d find a way to get her kicked out of the sorority. “So you said that you would answer my questions?” Mia asked trying to bring the conversation back to that. Cal stared at her without replying making Mia feel uncomfortable. She pulled her knees tightly together folded her arms over her breasts and brought her elbows down, covering herself as best as possible from the older sister.

“Well, I told you that I didn’t want to be a hardass like Alexis, I didn’t say I wasn’t going to participate in pledge week” Cal stated.
“What does that mean?” Mia asked nervously. Whatever relief she had about being in a private room with a seemingly nice girl seemed to be draining quickly.
“It means,” Cal replied, “that I will answer any question you ask me if it appropriate. In return though for any answers, you will have to do something for me.”
Mia was confused. “What?” she asked desperately.
“Well, for a start you said you wanted to know what was going on. Well I will answer if you unfold your arms and lean back so that I can get a good view of your breasts. “

Mia felt a bolt surge through her body. They were alone; this wasn’t some group hazing thing, what was going on. “My breasts?” Mia questioned, squeezing them tighter for protection.
“I told you I’m not going to be a hardass Mia, so I won’t throw you out of the sorority for that question. You know the rules; you have to do anything that I say. My answering your questions is a gift that I am giving in return. So… show me your breasts” Cal said. She was leaning forward now, only a few feet away from Mia.

Mia knew the rules and she really wanted to know what was going on. It wasn’t as if it would be the first time that the girl had seen them even if they were now in private, everyone had already seen them in the sorority. Mia sighed then released her arms, leaned back on the bed quickly. Her breasts jiggled with the motion and Cal looked at them whilst smiling. “Sorry” Mia said and her brow softened.

“Hey look, we’re just having fun here,” Cal said, “don’t get too nervous; just see where this takes you. I promise that I’m not going to hurt you and nobody else is either.” Cal smiled sincerely and Mia felt a bit reassured, taking a deep breath.
“OK, thanks, so what is going on here then?”
“It’s pledge week. You’re being hazed, not officially hazed. That is against university policy. You’re being initiated, which means hazed” Cal replied casually.
“Yeah I know that but…”
“That answered your question little sister, if you want something more specific then make sure you ask more specific questions” Cal interjected. Mia began to realise that she had underestimated the girl when she had considered her a ditz. The young woman in front of her was definitely on top of things.

“Okay,” Mia said before pausing, taking the time to think of a good question. “Is this like a tradition or are you all just fucking with us? I mean, did the seniors have to do all of this too?” Mia asked. Cal didn’t move, just stared at her younger sister strangely.
“Spread your legs and show me your pussy” she said slowly. Mia’s skin instantly prickled with the comment, it felt so dirty, so wrong. Even the words used seemed so simply crude. “Or no answer” Cal added. Mia looked closely at the older lass, feeling as if she couldn’t get enough air. She was deadly serious from the look in her eyes. Mia tried to rationalise, the girl had already seen her pussy, although not in such close vicinity. But did she even really have a choice. She wanted her answer and either way, Cal could just tell her to do it anyway and kick her out of the sorority if she refused.

“Okay,” Mia responded after a long pause. She took a deep breath, digging her fingers into the bed to try and brace herself, to force herself mentally to do it. Finally, slowly, Mia pulled her knees apart. The air felt cool against the now bare skin. Mia looked down at her red lips topped by the small red nub of her clit. She looked up to see Cal staring at exactly the same thing, her eyes almost sparkling as she looked on. It felt strange, embarrassing but also arousing. Flattered but angry, exposed but wanting the attention. The mix of feeling and emotion flooded her brain.

“This isn’t special for you girls,” Cal explained, “I went through the same process. Everyone in this sorority has since its inception. At least that’s what they tell us. It was definitely the same ten years ago when my cousin pledged it.” Mia wasn’t sure if this knew surge of information made her feel better or worse, happy that it wasn’t just her but overwhelmed by what she had gotten into. Cal seemed flushed, running her hand seductively through her own hair.

“Is this a lesbian sorority?” Mia finally asked. She had been too nervous to ask before but needed now to know the answer. Something about the situation was making her feel bold, strangely aroused and willing to ask questions.
“Play with your tits,” Cal said without missing a beat. She brought her feet up and rested them on the bottom of the bed only inches from Mia’s right hip. Mia wanted to ask if she was serious but she knew that Cal definitely was. She didn’t dare speak because she was in this far, and afraid of the consequences, she knew she just had to do it.

Mia brought her hand up, trembling with nerves towards her breasts. Both girls were holding their breath in anticipation. Mia felt the tips of her fingers graze against her right nipple and she gasped a little. It felt so sensitive to the touch, so delicate, instantly hardening at the slightest contact. She moved them freely now, grasping the nipple gently, gibing it light squeezes, slight twists. Whatever arousal she had been feeling before was now growing exponentially. Mia felt her pussy getting wet, could even smell the arousal forming in the air. Her other hand found her other breast, pushing with her palm, squeezing the flesh, feeling the hardened nipple against the tip of her thumb. She bit her lower lop and looked up at Cal. The girl was smiling dreamily watching her every motion.

“If by lesbian sorority you mean you have to be a lesbian to be in, you do not. If you mean that everybody in the sorority is a lesbian, they are not” Cal stated. Mia supposed that did answer her question but didn’t really tell her a lot. After all her sister was in the sorority and she wasn’t a lesbian was she. Mia realised she actually had no idea; she really wanted to ask that question but couldn’t bring herself to. She continued to play with her breasts, wondering what to ask next, wondering if more information was worth what would come next. But finally, she decided to ask something.

“Are you a lesbian?” she asked, and Cal didn’t even pause. The moment the question passed Mia’s lips, she gave the next order.
“Play with your pussy” Cal demanded. Part of Mia knew that this was what was coming. It was the natural progression, but the request and the sudden sharpness of it still came as a shock. Her hands stopped moving on her breasts, her right hand still cupping the tit gently, fingers still pinching the left nipple. This was it she decided.

She was going to say no, she couldn’t do this it was too much. She thought momentarily that this was what the hazing was all about, seeing how far they would go before they said no and laughing because it took so long. She desperately wanted to believe that was what was happening, but even if it wasn’t she couldn’t keep going through with it, right. Even if it meant getting kicked out of the sorority, Mia felt like she had to put a stop to this right now.

Oddly at that exact moment Mia thought of Steph, thought of how she had told her from the beginning that she didn’t know what she was getting into and how she didn’t belong in the sorority. Steph had warned her and she had chosen to ignore it, she’d wanted to be here so much but why. Mia began to think that maybe her older sister was right, that she wanted so badly to just be like her, and to impress her that she was now in over her head. What now, would she just walk out and quit, embarrass her sister in front of her friends, losing any respect she might have for growing up. She’d have to listen to Steph’s renditions of ‘I told you so.’ She’d be right, and Mia would have to admit it, something she refused to do. Something she wanted to do even less than touch herself for Cal’s amusement.

“Okay” she said quietly, heart hammering. Cal stared at her, her eyes following every movement as Mia slowly began to bring her hands back into motion. Her sexual scent was growing, the room felt hot, muggy and electric. As the resistance faded Mia felt herself submerge beneath it, and beneath it she found a well of nameless, faceless, unexplored desire. It was almost too terrifying to understand and she had to pull herself back up to the task at hand.

She moved her hand from her right breast, letting a trailing finger slide across her nipple as she did so. She stifled a moan as a pulse shot through her body. Chills ran down her spine and she tried to tell herself that feeling didn’t mean anything. Her hand grazed under her breast before sliding slowly down the side of her body. Mia told herself she was being cautious, not deliberately trying to make it look seductive for Cal, even if she did like the way it felt to have someone’s eyes on her, to sense someone desiring her body.

Her palm slid across her hip, moving down between her legs, thumb extending out towards her stomach. She took a few shallow breaths, calming the nerves, her whole body feeling on edge, so aware of every miniscule movement. She wanted to touch herself, release herself of the tension of the last few days, deep down in her subconscious; Mia knew that she needed to masturbate.

She had little experience of masturbating; she had done it in the past but not something she made a regular part of her day. Maybe once every few weeks when the feeling struck as just right, in a nice shower or a lazy Saturday morning. Mia had never felt this need before though, and definitely never any desire to touch herself in front of someone. But now as Mia felt her fingers slide down between her legs, as she grazed against her swollen pussy lips, she gasped at the intensity that she had never felt until now. Her hand moved low, edging towards her slit. It was so incredibly wet that her fingertips were soaked just sliding across the lips, before carefully pressing into the wetness.

“Oh Christ,” she moaned, quickly biting her lip in an attempt to remain quiet. She wasn’t sure why but Mia didn’t want Cal to know the turmoil that she was in, the feelings rushing through her body, but as she dipped her finger deeper into her body, it became harder not to let out faint whimpers, low moans of joy at the feeling. The hot warmth of her inside, wrapped tightly around her finger, were driving her senses out of control. Mia’s hips moved almost out of her control in an attempt to feel more of the pleasure which was fanning out across her body.

She pulled the finger slowly from her body, eliciting a new wave of pleasure. Remembering her other hand, she began to squeeze her left breast, her hard nipple rubbing through her fingers. She felt the connection of her body, her pussy getting more sensitive with each extra bit of attention she gave her nipples. Her nipples getting more sensitive with each bit of attention she gave her pussy.

With her index finger now withdrawn from her body and dripping wet she moved it against her slit, pressing it against the red flesh, enjoying every tiny movement. Mia noticed her arousal smelled far more intense than previous, sharp, feminine, enveloping her senses, making her feel light headed.

Mia looked up at Cal now; her mouth was slightly open, leaning in towards her. She wasn’t moving a muscle, barely even breathing; only the motion in her nostrils showed that was taking place. She was breathing Mia in, taking in every drop of her scent. Mia’s finger had traced its way to the top of her pussy, her wet finger just a hair width away from the hard, throbbing clit. Mia sketched around the outside of it, teasing herself; her hips shook on the bed, thrusting into the air. Her nipples stood firmly at attention, making her wish she had more hands, to grab and feel the heat of more of the flesh, to provide more attention than possible.

When she couldn’t stand the teasing anymore, Mia let her soaking finger slide across the little clit, shivering as the wave of pleasure rolled through her body, vibrating from her pussy, down her legs, to her toes then bouncing all the way back up, flooding across her stomach, breasts, neck and to her brain. Mia kept the touch light but slowly circled the finger around the clit, feeling completely different to the rushed encounters in the past, more intense, more powerful.

As Mia increased her speed slightly she heard Cal breathing and she smiled at her. Mia was losing all feeling of discomfort slowly; she knew it was still there, that intellectually she probably still didn’t want this, but the body, when indulged, overwhelmed the rational mind. As Mia’s finger moved across the hard clit, as her hand groped roughly, but lovingly at her breast she was completely lost in the moment. Cal’s eyes, the pools of need in the pupils, pulled her in farther, deeper into her desires. Mia moaned loudly as the pleasure and tension built inside of her with wave after wave of passion flowing through her body.

“I am a lesbian,” Cal said in a low husky voice.
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