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Old 02-17-2016, 02:41 PM   #1
nickinicki's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Canada
Posts: 75
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Female Make Me Earn It - 18/F


I'm new here. I've been lurking for quite some time but I decided to make an account today. What led me to make an account? Well, I want pizza but I don't think I deserve it. What I want is a way to earn my pizza. I usually eat the whole thing by myself so don't go easy on me! I'd like to use a point system so it will work like this.

You give me a task/dare. Preferably quick and simple as I'd like my pizza before midnight. You also give me a point value for it. Be fair considering the task. Each task should be 5 or 10 points, maybe 20 if it's really complex. I need 100 points for 100% of the pizza

Some ideas:

- My room is a mess (Pick up 5 items and put them where they should be. 5 points)

- I hate laundry (Put away all outstanding laundry. 10 points)

- I'm supposed to be writing right now (Write 300 words. 5 points)

- I'm really lazy (Walk around the block. 10 points)

- I need to rehydrate (Drink 2 glasses of water. 5 points)

I'd prefer to stay away from masturbation and stuff like that and I live with room mates so nothing loud or that would make me seem weird. I'm moving into my own bachelor next month so hopefully I can do some more daring dares then. For now though, something with a sexual tint is okay. I just don't want to get too excited before I get my pizza. One thing at a time

Thanks in advance If I like you're dare, I'll respond and edit this post. If not, I'll respond and tell you why. Then you can edit your post if you still wanna give it a shot.


Dares Pending:

- Eating Pizza Naked (5 points) - saxel
- Drink water from a bowl (10 points) - Kell

Dares Failed:

- Don't Pee Until After Pizza (20 points) - Coolbear627

Dares Finished:

- Pick up 5 items (5 points) - Myself
- Write 600 words (10 points) - Myself
- 10 Sit Ups (10 points) - cassioirl
- Drink a Litre of Water (10 points) - Coolbear627
- Pick up 5 items (5 points) - Kell
- Listen to 5 R5 Songs (5 points) - Foodlover312 (Loud, Pass Me By, Smile, I Can't Forget About You, One Last Dance)
- Listen to 5 Bart Baker Parodies (5 points) - Foodlover312 (Happy, Sorry, Hotline Bling, What Do You Mean, We Can't Stop)
- Listen to 1 One Direction Song (10 points) - Foodlover312 (History)
- Listen to 1 Justin Bieber Song (10 points) - Foodlover312 (Love Yourself)
- Watch 10 minutes of Food Porn (10 points) - Foodlover312
- Drink a 2nd Litre of Water (5 points) - Coolbear627
- Put all my Laundry Away (10 points) - Myself
- Do dishes (5 points) - Myself

Points Total: 100/100 pending 15

Thanks to everyone who submitted tasks I'm gonna go make the pizza now (Yum!) Hopefully I'll be on here more soon!

Last edited by nickinicki; 02-17-2016 at 07:36 PM.
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