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Old 12-05-2009, 09:23 AM   #17
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 6,760
Default Apologies.

I don't know quite how to say this but... I won't be continuing this story. I know, I know, I've only just started it. But, honestly, it's not great and I'm not happy with it.


See, I had this main central plot idea ("SQUIRT") and I was in love with it. But, reading back, I've decided it's not what I want to write about and I don't want to continue something I don't care about.

To make up for this sudden announcement, I will tell you that I'm working on a new story which is currently getting my creative juices flowing and, so far, I'm over the moon with the progression. I really hope I get around to completing and posting it up here. This time, though, I've decided to take another approach to writing...

Instead of writing a section and then posting, I'm going to make sure I'm a good few sections ahead before posting my next one. I'll do this so, should I ever need to take a break or re-draft bits, I'll have some story to work on and I'll always have posting material to fill any gaps. It'll also let me make sure I'm 100% happy with my stuff before posting.

So, again, I apologise if you were getting into this story but I do promise that something new is in the works. I won't set a date on when I'll get the first part posted, but I plan to get the first sections posted probably around Christmas/New Year.


PS: Feel free to take "SQUIRT" or anything else from this story to adapt for your own. I mean, I don't want anyone copying stuff, but it'd be nice see the ideas adapted and changed in other stories. I like to inspire people and I like to help people. Kthx.

Last edited by Slenderman - Doctor; 12-05-2009 at 09:26 AM.
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