Thread: Fiction: My Sister's Friends
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Old 02-01-2016, 06:04 PM   #236
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Chapter 44

After Lindsay left, I wasn't sure what to do. For a while I just watched TV in the living room. I found it hard to focus on what was on, because I kept thinking of everything that had happened in the last twelve hours. All the sexy memories were keeping my dick hard, which was difficult to conceal in basketball shorts. "This is why she wanted me to wear these," I thought to myself.

After watching TV for an hour or so, I heard Marie coming down the stairs from her room. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she just stared blankly for a moment. Then she asked, "What are you doing?" and sat down on the couch with me.

"I'm just watching some TV and trying to decompress from all of the insanity," I answered.

"Yeah, that was pretty weird," Marie said.

We both watched TV quietly for a while and shared a couple of laughs at whatever comedy we happened to be watching. Before too long, Marie looked around the room and said to me, "This place is kind of a mess. You should really get started cleaning up."

"Ha, yeah right," I replied, "they're your friends, you clean up after them."

But Marie reaffirmed herself, "No Pat, this isn't a suggestion. It's an order. Start with gathering up all the garbage into the garbage cans. Then do the dishes and vacuum. After that, report back to me and I'll tell you what to do next."

I had forgotten that Lindsay had told me to obey Marie. For some reason I hadn't expected Marie to use this power. I tried to stand up to her, "Oh come on Marie. Lindsay wasn't serious. Like, you can't make me clean the house."

"Do you want me to call Lindsay?" Marie asked. "I will if you want, but she'll probably just make it even harder and more embarrassing for you when she hears you're denying a command already."

I knew Marie was right. Lindsay would definitely punish me if I didn't do what she said. Shamefully, this turned me on to the point where a voice in my head was saying, "Do it. Tell Marie to call Lindsay so she'll punish you." But I decided that I didn't want to test Lindsay so soon after she left, so I acquiesced to Marie.

"Fine. I'll clean up," I told Marie in defeat. "Good," she answered, turning her attention back to the TV.

I spent the rest of the day cleaning the house from top to bottom. After I collected the garbage, did the dishes, and vacuumed the carpet, Marie had me mop the floors, wipe down all the kitchen and bathroom surfaces, dust the entire house, clean her room and my room, and wash, dry, and fold all of the laundry. When she ran out of real chores to do, she gave me tedious tasks like organizing all the movies and books in the house alphabetically. It was exhausting and boring and I hated it, but the house looked even better than before my parents left when I was finished. After all that, Marie banished me to my room, saying, "You're a good boy, Pat. Now go to your room for the night. I don't want to see you until tomorrow."

It was annoying that my sister was sending me to my room, but honestly, I was ready to go to sleep. I did as Lindsay had instructed and stripped down to the tube sock that was still tied on my dick. I hopped into bed and nestled myself under the covers.
Read my story: My Sister's Friends
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