Thread: Fiction: Short Stories of Kink X
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Old 01-25-2016, 04:49 PM   #7
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Note Kink 2: wedgies & bondage

I think this story is far better than the previous (= first) story I wrote and I definitly had more fun writing it. The first version of the story took almost two hours to write. But then I thought: I can do way better, especially because I rushed the story at the end. So I sat down and re-wrote the entire story in just about four hours. So please, give me some feedback. Any improvements regarding the choice of words, flow of the story or maybe something else?

Thank you for bringing this thread alive with your suggestions so far.

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I look around in the boys changing room at school and see that most of the other guys already got dressed and left the room. Well, it’s not like this is the first time; I always was a slow dresser. By the time the first guys left the changing room, I normally just finished taking of the gym clothing and started putting on the clean clothing. I saw the last guy leaving the room the moment I started to put on my jeans. As last one, along in the boys changing room, like always. I looked down and zipped the zipper up and buttoned up the button. I found my shirt on the ground against the wall; it must have fallen off the bench, I thought.

“Well, look who we have here.” I heard a girl’s voice from behind me. I quickly grabbed the shirt from the ground and held it against my chest when I turned around to see who said that. I saw two girls standing in the opening of the door. Both are from my class, but I didn’t know their names as the semester just began and I never actually talked to them. “What are you two doing here?” I asked them while I lowered my shirt and put it on the bench. The girl standing on the right, having shoulder long brown hair and green eyes, looked me straight in my eyes. I took my eyes from the better looking girl and then looked at the other girl standing next to her, having long black hair and brown eyes. Her eyes seemed to be looking just right past me.

“What’s that?” the girl with black hair asked me. I turned around and to see what she was pointing at with her finger and saw she pointed at my shirt on the bench. I frowned a little as I didn’t know what she meant. It’s just one of my regular shirts she pointed at. “What do you mean; my shirt?” I asked her back and turned around and ---

I widened my eyes and saw both the girls speeding towards me. What the fuck? I thought. It sometimes happens that some boys grab your clothing and run away with it, leaving you behind wearing nothing but your underwear. Luckily I already wore my jeans and had enough time to grab my shirt, so I did. When they were within an arm’s reach, I turned my back to both the girls and tried to protect my shirt and other stuff on the bench by using my back as shield. I realized I needed both my arms to block their arms, so I dropped my shirt on the bench and try to turn around to push them away from me. “Grab his arms,” I heard one of the girls say to the other and I felt all four hands grabbing both my hands and forcing them behind my back. What the ---

They were faster than I thought and they already pinned both my arms behind my back. I tried to turn my body around, but they soon pushed me against the bench. My head landed on my bag pack and the shirt blocking the cold wooden bench from touching my bare chest. I tried to get up, but it felt like they were using all their weight just to hold me down. I was getting mad. I start kicking my legs behind me and hit one of the girls. She let out a soft cry and started to shift even more weight on my back. “Let’s put him on the ground, there he’s easier to handle,” the girl with the brown hair said. They lifted most of their weight from my back, but still having my arms pinned on my back and laying down on my chest, my attempt of breaking free wasn’t successful. The girls pulled my body from the bench and pulled me to the middle of the changing room and tried to forced me onto the ground.

The moment they shifted me body from the bench, I had to focus my mind on every muscle of my body. Presuming they don’t care about whether I get hurt or not, looking at what they were trying to do to me, I didn’t want to injure myself when hitting the floor. I felt both the girls forcing my body to the ground, so I held my chin up high and tried to make my back hollow so my whole body wouldn’t hit the ground all at once but instead have some bounce when by belly hits the floor first. Within an instant, I hit the ground and manage to not let my chin touch the floor before my body absorbed all the forces of the impact.

There I laid on the ground, the girls not letting go of my arms even a single moment throughout the process. As soon as I had the change, I tried to get up back on my feet, but the moment I moved my legs to shift my weight sideward, one of the girls say down on my back. I felt her weight move slightly up my back to where she pinned down my hands and sat on them, ‘locking’ them under her weight. I tried to move my arms, but all was in vain. She used her knees to keep my elbows right next to my body, blocking my arms from being pulled up my back in order for my hands to break free. So many thoughts were racing through my mind, most of them trying to find a way to break free of the hostile girls. Then, though I knew that it was not the right situation to think about such a thing, I thought of the girl sitting on top of me. I mean, I am topless and wearing only my bottom clothing when a rather hot looking girl decides to sit on top of me. I wanted to discard this thought as soon as possible, but I was already too late and my cock already started to grow.

Quite a lot of thoughts of the girls came to my mind. My boner got bigger and bigger, even getting slightly painful because it had to room to grow since the moment I was forced onto the ground. On top of that, a girl sitting with her ass cheeks touching barely touching mine and my hands between her legs. I knew that it isn’t the right situation to think about such things and I tried to focus my mind on something else. I turned my head to the side and looked at the girl with brown hair standing beside me. She seemed to look at the girl sitting on top of me. I saw her lips moving, but no sound came out of it. I tried to figure out what she tried to say by reading her lips, but the only thing I understood was the last word: OK. She turned around and walked out of the boys changing room. I looked at her ass on her way out, but this wasn’t helping either.

Then an idea came to the surface of my deep ocean mind right after I saw the last glimpse of the girl’s fine ass. With the other girl gone for God knows how long, I might be able to break free when I lift the girl on top of me from my back. The only way of doing so, I thought, would be to move my fingers. I mean, the inside of both my hands were facing what’s between her legs. I was able to move the position of my hands just slightly but enough to have all my ten fingers available for the job. Without warning, I started to move my fingers and making grabbing moves. I stretched my fingers as much as possible when I sort of tickled the girl between her legs. “AAAaaaaaahh!” the girl yelled and let out a small gasp after her cry. I felt her hands lifted from my upper back and her legs close. I thought this was the moment; she lifted her ass from my back when still holding my arms on my back. But her loosened grip on my arms was too weak and I broke free both my arms at the same time by pulling the away from each other.

I moved my arms to the front, placed them on the ground and started to push myself up. The girl found her balance again and moves up my back, increasing the momentum. Next, I felt her body fall down on my upper back like two very heavy cushions. I looked next to me and saw both her arms reaching mine and with one pull, she brought down my arms and locked each one of my arms in her arm by placing her hand on my back with my arms through her arm-loop. I tried to roll to the side, but her elbows rested on each side of the ground, making it impossible for me to throw her off my back. Damn it!

“Don’t you ever try that again,” she said loudly, sounding rather upset. Well, I did ‘massage’ her between the legs, so I don’t blame her. Or actually, I do blame her and her friend because they started this! “You two are the ones that started this,” I said sounding a little angry. I saw the other girl walk into the room again holding a small bag in her hand. “What happened?” she asked while she walked to a bench to drop the bag on. “What does it look like?” the girl on top answered her with another question. I look at the bag that she dropped on the bench, wondering what she had brought with her. The girl sits down on the bench and opens the bag when looking at me, “you want to know what I brought for you?”

Considering everything the girls did so far to me, I thought that I didn’t want to know what was inside of the bag. She looked down into the bag and put her hand in. I looked at the bag, feeling my heart pounding in my throat and saw her pull out some socks out of the bag. A pair of light yellow sock and a pair of pink socks with red stripes on them. “Would you mind helping me a bit first?” the girl on my back asked the other girl. She grabbed the socks with her hands, stood up and walked towards me. She dropped all four socks next to me on the ground and grabbed both my arms. “I got him,” she said and the girl on top of me ‘unlocked’ my arms. I saw an opportunity and try to get up again, but the girl next placed her knees on my left arm and both her hands on my right arm. I was able to lift up my head and shoulders, but the rest of my body stood no chance at the weight of two girls. They moved both my arms on my back again and pinned them down when the girl with the black hair again decided to sit on my lower back and arms. But this time, she shove her ass a little further up my back so she sat on my lower arms, my hands not able to reach her ass. I knew that there was no change of tickling her again.

The girl with the brown hair, sitting next to me, looked let go of my arms and looked back at me. “Open your mouth,” she ordered me. I looked down at the socks and just knew what she was up to. I looked her in the eyes and said NO. She picked up the socks, “open your mouth or we’ll make sure you open it,” she said with a demanding tone. I shook my head, making sure not to open my mouth by saying ‘no’. She looked at the girl on top of me and nodded. Her nodding gave me a bad feeling of what was about to happen. The weight of the girl on top of me shifted slightly forward and I felt two fingers on each one of my ear lopes. She grabbed them; slightly pinching them with her nails and started pulling them towards her. “Aaah,” I said softly and she increased the pulling force. “AAAaaaaaahh,” I yelled, from one second to the other the pain became almost unbearable. “Last time, open your mouth,” the girl said while holding the socks in front of my mouth. The other girl started to pull my ear lopes even further back and I gave in to the pain. The second I opened my mouth, she forced the socks in. The girl on my back let go of my ear lopes while the other girl placed a helping hand behind my head to force the socks even further into my mouth. I started gagging and immediately tightened all my throat muscles to prevent the gagging while at the same time stopping the socks from going in even further.

She gives the socks a last push and all four socks were completely in my mouth. They tasted so awful, like they had been worn for a week straight without cleaning them first. Not to mention the smell, that was the first thing I smelled when she held them just right under my nose. I tried to speak, but nothing of what I’d like to yell sounded even remotely understandable. “And that’s exactly why you have those dirty socks in your mouth,” the girl on top of my said. The girl next to me grinned at me. She stood up and walked back to the bag on the bench. She picked up the bag and took it with her to me, dropping it next to me. She put her hands into the bag and pulls out a dishcloth. She folded the dishcloth twice in the length and brought it towards my face. She placed the middle of the folded dishcloth against my eyes and went with both ends around my head meeting the back. It took only a strong knot for me to be deprived of my sight.

I this a game? Because if it was, then I already lost against these two girls. I couldn’t see a single thing anymore and besides that, both of them tried to be quite as if they were not in the room. Though, I definitely knew that they were there with me. I heard nothing besides a hand grasping something in the bag and pulling it out. I felt the weight on my slightly shift backwards when they told me not to try anything funny. She let one of my arms go after which I feel two hands quickly grab my free arm. Some kind of string is being pulled up my arm up to my shoulder after which they quickly grabbed me arm and put them under her ass. She then let go of my other arm while I feel some kind of fabric slide against my chest. Another string is pulled up my other arm up to my shoulder after which the free arm is quickly contained again.

I feel two hands slightly touching both my side right under my armpit, the tips of the fingers touching my skin like they are trying to grab something. Suddenly I feel the fabric on my chest compress my chest and I instantly knew what it was. I felt the fabric press harder and harder against my chess while slowly feeling her hands meet in the middle of my upper back. The bend around my upper body and the straps on my shoulder gave everything a tight feeling. They pulled the fabric slightly down, the straps pulling on my shoulders.

The weight of the girl shifted forward and she slid her ass up my arms until I felt her weight mostly pressuring my elbows against my back. How that hurt my shoulders. I tried to ignore the pain and focused on the rest of my body, trying to figure out what they were up to next. After a short while, I felt some kind of cloth being looped around both my wrists. She tightened the cloth around my wrist each time she looped around them once, making sure I wouldn’t be able to free my hands. Eventually, after what felt like a hundred loops, she tightens the string or whatever it is one last time and ties it.

It’s as quiet as first when they put on the blindfold. Once again, the girl on my back shifted her weight. But to my surprise, she stood up and I felt all the weight on my body disappear. Though, it didn’t take long before I felt their touch again. They rolled me on my back and before I would wonder what they were planning to do next, one of the girls sat on me again. Damn it! Why do those naughty thoughts keep coming back to me? Or to be more exact, why do I think about the girl sitting on my crotch? She sits on my belly, her ass just out of reach of my yet to grow cock. I quickly discarded the thought, but my cock was already stiff, as hard as a rock.

What?! I feel one of their hands touch my crotch, trying to undo my jeans. “Mmmhhhppff…” I tried to stop them, both by shaking my body and speaking as loud as possible, but the gag in my mouth and the weight of the girl on my body is not to be forgotten. I felt the hands continuing the undoing of my jeans. I felt my waist band getting looser and hear the zipper being zipper down. The touch of her hands on my groin was gone and with one pull, I felt my jeans being slid down my legs. The first thing I felt was embarrassment. This is the first time that this blindfold actually helps: I don’t have to look the girls in their eyes. Even though, I closed my eyes as she little struggles with taking off my jeans from my ankles.

“Hahahahahahahahaha…” I hear one of the girls laugh. “He’s hard,” I hear the girl with the brown hair say. I felt the weight of the girl on top of me shifting and soon hear her laughing too. I couldn’t be more ashamed of myself as I already was. And the laughing didn’t exactly help me with decreasing the size of my cock, as it only induced more thoughts about the girls looking at it. Their laughing slowly toned down when without warning I felt my underwear being pulled down my legs. I suddenly realized that I was completely naked but wearing a very tight bra. But this soon changed when I felt the soft fabric slide up my legs. When the waist band finally reached my hips, I felt my cock half sticking out of the underwear. The touch of one of their hands pushes both my balls under the fabric that had no space left for them. With my cock still sticking out, they pulled the waist band with quite a force up my body, feeling the back of the underwear being pulled up my butt crack. It felt like I was wearing a string, though all the bands of the soft fabric were rather thin; no strings.

With my cock barely covered by the pulled-up underwear, one of the girls told me that they are done. They clearly didn’t want me out of their sight as they started discussing about how to transport me to the sports hall. First they thought it would be just good enough to drag me there. Luckily, their final decision is to pick up my chest and legs to carry me there. Two hands were being places at my back, touching both my skin and the straps of the bra. The other two hands each took one of my legs. Together, they lifted me from the ground and started walking to wherever they wanted me to be in the sports hall.

Even though the changing rooms are directly next to the sports hall, it took like forever before they dropped me on the ground again. When they finally stopped and slowly lowered me to the ground, I felt the rubbery ground of the sports hall. For a second there, I thought they were bringing me somewhere else due the duration of the ‘transport’. I heard them walk away from me, getting a few things as I heard a piece of metal cling to something. I thought about getting up and running away, but what good would that do? I am blindfolded, naked but wearing a set of girls underwear and they probably took my clothes away. And for whatever reason they are doing this, they’ll probably try something again if I successfully run away. But the chance of successfully getting away from them is next to zero.

I heard one of the girls walk back to me, the soles of her shoes making small sounds on the rubbery floor. The sound disappeared and I felt a faint gust hit my skin. I felt her hands on my waist, rolling me on my chest. Then I felt something cold, something metallic, touch my upper bag. The straps of the bra were slightly being lifted from my skin and I felt the cold metal slide down my skin, going under the straps of the bra. The metal slide down further until it reached the bottom underwear. She lifts the back of the underwear slightly, then I hear a shutting sound. I felt her rest the piece of metal just above my ass and a rope on my back, going through the back of the bra. “Ready!” the girl yells.

*Click, click, click* The girl told me to sit on my ass. I did as told. I felt the rope dangling from the back of my bra. *Click, click, click* The rope starts to be lifted slowly and I thought I know what was about to happen. *Click, click, click* Actually, I knew exactly what was about to happen. It’s the exact same sound I heard as when the gym teacher setup some attributes we needed for today’s gym class. *Click, click, click* The girl ordered me to stand now. Once again, I did as told. *Click, click, ………, click, click* The rope was stretched tight now.

The girl took of the blindfold and I squeezed my eyes as they had to adjust to the brightness. Once they were adjusted to the light, I saw both the girls standing next to the level. *Click, click, click* This is what I expected. The girl with the black hair continued to pull down the lever, and up again. *Click, click* The underwear was really pulling and it slowly starts to become painful. I looked at the girls, they looked back at me. *Click, click, click* I was standing on my tiptoes to avoid the pain as long as possible, but the look in their eyes told me that they weren’t going to stop there. *Click, click, click* I closed my eyes and focused my mind on channeling the pain. *Click, click, ………, click, click*

I opened my eyes after I heard no clicks anymore. The pain, unbearable, especially when wearing girl’s underwear. They detached the ring from the hook that normally is used for swinging rings. I looked down with wide eyes and saw that they lifted me at least three feet from the ground. With the gag still in my mouth, I looked what they had me wearing. I wore a matching set of underwear, if it wasn’t a matching set of lingerie. I wore a bra that had cups in bright pink with black lacing. The bottom underwear, what looking like a bikini or thong, was almost the same colored as the bra and had a small pink bow on the front. My cock that was as hard as a rock for unknown reasons almost completely sticks out of the bottom underwear, only the base was covered. As for my balls, they both came out of the sides as there definitely was no room left for them after being lifted from the ground. The rope through the back of the bra kept me straight so I couldn’t possibly escape by shifting my weight forward and falling out of the bottoms underwear.

Then I heard the foot soles of both the girls walking on the ground and quickly looked at where they were. I saw them walking away from me, walking towards the exit of the sports hall with their backs turned to me. The girl with the black hair opened the door and waits for her friend that stopped and looked at me. “This is what you get for making fun of us and laughing at us,” she said with a death glare and turned around. They both walked through the opening of the door and shut it behind them. I closed my eyes when a tear rolled down my cheek. I didn’t even know whether I wanted to be found by the next gym class to be relieved from the pain or to bear it for as long as possible when still having just a little of my pride left.
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I've only really liked a handful of people in my life,
and you've been two of them.

—Hans Axgil—

Last edited by RiskyFlame; 01-25-2016 at 05:06 PM. Reason: Fewer *Click*'s
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