Thread: Fiction: Short Stories of Kink X
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Old 01-22-2016, 06:52 PM   #3
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Note Kink 1: pet play

This is my first story that I wrote took my roughly 90 minutes. Then, as I am sort of a perfectionist, I wanted to change the story to the past. But after re-writing the first three paragraphs, I decided - since it's been a long night - to stop and just post the story. So the first three paragraphs are in the past and all other paragraphs change from either being in the past or being in the present. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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I woke up by the creaking sound of the old wooden door that in the past days always was used to lock the basement. However, these days, my Master doesn’t use that door lock anymore since He bought me a brand new cage. He thought it would be good for me to have my own place to sleep, caged into His basement. I’d like to believe He is punishing me for making too much noise when sleeping back when I still slept on the ground next to His bed. But since it’s been a week since the first day I had to sleep in this cage, I start to think it’ll be for indefinite time. I thought about the first night He had me spend the night into this cage which was also the first time I laid eyes on the cage. I walked down stairs into the basement when I saw a black colored cage with rather thick looking bars, big enough to have a human dog move around in it. He led me down stairs and I got the chance to take a closer look at the cage and saw that it wasn’t just a steel strengthened cage. I saw bended bars that combined created several holes in the cage, presuming that the limbs and head are to be locked up in those holes since each hole could be tightened by a smaller lockable ring that is attached to the bars. Then I saw lots of rings installed in the inside of the cage, most likely to be used for leashing the dog to the cage. He opened the door and pushed me into the cage, locking the cage door shut behind my ass.

I heard my Master walking down the stairs, each step making a small sound, though it’s almost not to be heard. I lifted my head to look up towards where the sound was coming from, regardless of the fact that I couldn’t see a thing in sight. A few days ago, He decided to drop a big towel over the cage to limit my view to what’s inside the cage only. Since then, He had my vision restricted all nights. After about fifteen clicking sounds, each one coming from a step of the stairs, the sounds stopped. I felt like He just stood there, looking at the cage. I *Woof*ed, and the clicking sounds were back. They were slowly coming closer and closer, each time getting a bit louder, and then it stopped again. I *Woof*ed again, hoping that the towel will be l from the cage. I was right, He lifted the towel from the cage and I saw Him looking down at me.

My Master walked towards the shelf that stood behind the cage and picked up the keys to the cage. I looked at Him when He bends down to grab the lock of the cage door and put the key into the lock hole. “Look down boy,” He ordered me and I immediately followed his command. He then turned the key and unlocked the padlock after which he opened the door and leashed my collar. “It’s time for a short walk,” He said, though I know he meant that it’s time for me to eat, drink, pee and shit.

Ever when I became my Master’s dog, He made sure that I knew my position. Therefore, one of the conditions that I had to obey was that I wouldn’t be able to walk on my feet or use my hands. In order for Him to enforce this condition, he had my arms bend and locked so my rubber padded elbows would always be my front paws and my legs bend and locked to always be on my back paws. But since wearing such bondage gear isn’t best for full time wearing because of the slightly cut off blood flow, He takes it off whenever I am about to sleep or spend time in my cage. My Master didn’t allow me to take a single step out of the cage without the bondage gear on, so grabbed it from the shelf and installed it to all four of my limbs which takes five minutes at most. When done, he pulls on the leash with quite a force, dragging me forward if it weren’t for my paws.

The old wooden door creaks when my Master opened it and I walked through the door opening. I always squeeze my eyes together when going outside the basement, letting my eyes adjust to the higher level of brightness. He led me towards my bowl with food that seems to be already filled with my meal before he got me from the basement. My standard dog food like every day: a blend breakfast cereal with water and some vitamins to keep me healthy. I bowed my head towards the bowl and started eating the food until the bowl was clean. I looked at my Master that sits in the living room watching television and decides to drink was rather thirsty. Even though I have water available in my cage, I haven’t drunk anything since yesterday evening. I walk towards the water and start to drink the water, my lips pursed while sucking the water and sometimes a little air though the small opening. While drinking, I looked up and saw my Master walking towards me, grabbing my leash. “Drink up,” He told me, “It’s time for you to do your business outside.” I drank the bowel almost dry, leaving only a thin layer of water in the bowl after which I *Woof*, letting Him know that I am done.

I am led to His backyard to pee and poop. I picked up a thin sheet of plastic with my teeth and thought back of the first time my Master told me how to poop correctly. He told me to take a thin sheet of plastic with me every time I need to poop. I don’t want to see me poop, so He only allowed me to do my business between the bushes where He couldn’t see me. I had to place the plastic sheet on the ground and poop on it. When done, I somehow had to take the four corners of the sheet and fold them together after which I had to trash it into a small bin, a low trashcan leveling the height of my head that I haven’t seen in the days where I lived in as human. “Yes, Master!” I said when He explained it all to me after which he immediately pulled on my leash and locked me up in a closet with the plastic sheet. I was locked up for what felt like half a day, sitting there in the stench of my own poop. While locked into that closet, I figured that when I had the urge to poop, I had to poop on that plastic sheet. When my Master unlocked the closet and let me out, he said “Dogs don’t speak, and now in the trashcan with your poop” after which I bit on one corner of the plastic sheet and tugged it towards the bin in the backyard. “Wrong, fold the four corners to each other and take it with you to the bin like that.” At the end, half my face was covered with my own shit.

I walked to the bushes and pooped on the plastic sheet after which I folded the four corners to each other to pick it up and throw it in the bin. Since the first time, I had developed my own way of throwing away my own poop without getting myself dirty, although it sometimes goes wrong. I threw it in the bin and walked back to the bushes to pee. After I was done, I walked back to me Master that was waiting for me and *Woofed*. He took my leash and led me back inside. He opened the door and ordered me to walk down the stairs. He always let me go down first, giving me space to avoid falling down the stairs. When down, I stood in front of the door of the cage. My limbs started to tingle a bit already, so I wanted to get out of my bondage gear as soon as possible. “Not yet,” my Master said and I look at him with a big question mark above my head. That question mark became even bigger when I saw my Master holding a small box in his hands. “Face the wall and spread your paws,” He ordered me.

I did as He ordered me to; walking towards the wall and spreading both my arms and legs, when I hear him open the small box. The first thing I heard was a small bell. He turned my collar around and attached a small bell to it. He then turned the front of the collar back under my chin and I tried to look down. It seems like he attached a silver colored bell to my collar, about an inch in diameter. I shook my shoulders and my head from the left to the right, back and forth, testing out the bell. “Be quiet,” my Master told me. I stopped shaking and figured out that even when I move the slightest bit, the bell would make a slight noise. “Be quiet I said,” He repeated and I stood on the ground even more firm as before, trying not to move and preventing the bell from making any sounds.

Then, unexpectedly, I felt my Master’s hand grabbing my balls, pulling them downwards. Something cold feeling is attached around the base of my ball sack, something heavy. Of course, I knew it’s made from a metal of some sort, but I couldn’t make out the shape of that thing right away. My Master’s hand grabbed onto my balls even more firm, feeling like He’s tightening some sort of screws as he loosens and tightens His grip over and over. After about a dozen squeezes, He told that “It’s done” and ordered me to go back into my cage. When in my cage, he removed the bondage gear around my limps and locked the door shut.

“Stand on all fours,” my Master said and so I did. His right arm past between the bars – barely even though His arms were as thin as sticks, mine wouldn’t fit through the bars even if I wanted it to – and grabbed the metal item locked around my balls. I bend me head down, looking between my legs to see what the metal items looks like. It seems that it’s about an inch wide metal ring, having a couple of sunken bolts at the side of it to lock it around my balls. He hooked a chain to the metal ring and pulled the chain up, feeling my balls getting pulled backwards more and more. He kept pulling the chain up and up, making it more and more uncomfortable for me to stand on all fours without lifting either one of legs. He just kept pulling, so I started to lift up my left knee a little when he suddenly stops pulling. I hear a small click and look up over my shoulders. My Master locked the chain to a ring at the top bars of the cage, forcing my balls to be pulled up between my legs.

“Put both your feet into these holes,” my Master told me. I was a little afraid of where this was going to, but I didn’t dare to defy him by even looking him in His eyes as I know that He might see that as an insult to His superior position. I pushed my legs backwards through the holes and as soon as both my legs were through the holes, I heard both locked go shut simultaneously. Right after the sound, I quickly tried to pull back my legs but the effort was wasted. I turned my head to my Master, looking a little scared since this is the first time that my Master decided to use any of the features of the cage besides the lockable cage door. He locked me in the eyes, but soon the towel got dropped on the cage and I heard His steps walking away from me. Each time He took a next step on the stairs, my heart beats. The creaking sound of the door, opening and closing. *Bam* Come back, I thought. *Woof-woof-woof-woooof!*
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and you've been two of them.

—Hans Axgil—
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