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Old 12-11-2015, 11:36 PM   #10
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Default Section 9. Another Day of Humiliation

I fell asleep pondering on what will happen at school comes morning. I was woken up by the alarm clock. Fuck! I was asleep for three hours. I still feel sleepy but no point missing school today. If I failed to do Jack’s tasks for me, I’m getting into serious trouble.

I went downstairs to grab a quick breakfast then prepared what will I bring to school. I packed everything in my gym bag. Everything Jack required. Then, I dressed up, except boxers of course.

Everything ready including me, I walked to school. Arriving at twenty minutes before the first period, I deposited my gym bag to my gym locker and proceeded to the chemistry lab.

Nothing much happened during the first two periods, but before the second period was over, Jack texted me again, with the next task of course.

For the next task, I have to go to the library and go to the spot where I hid my boxers. Then I have to strip naked and open the book and jack off at least five minutes while sniffing the boxers. I wasn’t allowed to stop or hide if someone catches me. I am only allowed to get dressed again after I cum on the book again. But this time, I have to wear the boxers for the rest of the day. I have to film the whole thing of course and send the video via the computer in the library before the third period.

As the bell rang signalling the end of the second period, I quickly made my way to the library at the ground floor (Literature class was at the third floor). Good thing we had a fifteen-minute break between the second and third period.

As I reached the library, I went directly for the back shelf where the book was hidden. I was relieved that the book was well away at the back. The tables for reading were at the front. But I was still scared because the library has at least twenty students, most of them at the table reading or doing homework. But a good number were scanning the shelves for books.

After setting up the camera to sit on the shelf at the end so as to capture the spot where I will do the next task, I proceeded to remove my shoes first, then the socks. After that came also my shirt. I was there standing with only my jeans. I peeked to the front and saw that no one was heading my way so I unzipped my jeans and undressed completely.

Then, I retrieved the book, opened it to where my boxers was sandwiched. The cum had dried alright, but the smell was still very strong. I started jacking while sniffing the boxers still on the book. The job was not easy because the book was dusty. Apparently, no one reads it anymore. I was a minute into jacking when I feel my nose tingling. I was about to sneeze. I fought the urge because I was scared to get attention and someone might walk in and saw what I was doing.

But the urge was strong and after another minute, I sneezed. It was loud but thankfully no one noticed, not to my knowledge. Five minutes passed and I finally release another load, but not before I removed the boxers first from the book.

Satisfied that no more cum is going to drip from my cock, I closed the book and replaced it on the shelf. Then I redressed, with the boxers first and the rest of the clothes. I took the camera and went straight for the same computer terminal inside the library.

After logging into my Facebook account, I hooked the camera to it and started uploading today’s video. I have only eight minutes before the next period. But I didn’t mind because this time, I was to send only one video.
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