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Old 12-11-2015, 11:34 PM   #8
Kylevan's Avatar
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Default Section 7. My Dignity Was Lost

I picked up my phone and the camera and went out the house, locking the door behind me. I was locked out of my house stark naked. I have no other choice but to continue. I started the camera filming and pointed it at me. I have to be very careful not to attract any attention.

Good thing that my neighborhood kept themselves at home after dark so I don't have to worry for now. That is until I reach the end of the street and towards a road with occasional cars passing in both directions. Street lamps were spaced at fifty meters in this point so I will be exposed once I am under the lamp's bright light. I timed myself so that once a car was passing, I am well away from the bright lights of the street lamps.

The school was two kilometers away so it will take some time before I reach it. The lit road comprised the first kilometer until an intersection where I need to cross the street and take the path on the other side. By this time, more and more cars were passing but I took my chances and crossed the road running to the other side. I didn't stopped until I was well away from the occasional flashes of headlights from the passing cars. Ten more minutes and I finally reached the school.

Good thing about this is that we have no guards on duty round the clock. The school funds were not sufficient to afford one so the school was left only to secure itself with padlocks.

Of course my job tonight won't be easy. I need to figure out a way to get in. After circling the building, I noticed an open window, a bathroom window. It was two meters high and I wasn't sure if I could fit in. But I have to take my chances. I circled back and took the garbage bins I saw earlier and propped them on the wall below the window. This will serve as my foothold.

I stood above the bins and swung the window to open wider but to my dismay, it won't budge. It was the type that opens only about a quarter, the kind that was for bathrooms. The good news was that there were no railings so I can squeeze in.

I poked my head inside with little difficulty. I tipped my head sideways and managed to get my neck in. Then I slowly inched my way inside until my upper body made it in. The most difficult part was to get my lower half which was made difficult by the chastity which was still locked on my dick.

Pulling my hips then I finally made it inside and I dropped on top of the vanity sink. Good thing I didn't broke any bones and thankfully I was still holding my phone and the camera. I was afraid I dropped them and broke.

I checked the phone and there was a message. It was from Jack, again. It says:
“One more thing, all the photos must be bright and crystal clear. Good luck...”

That bastard. Now I have to turn the lights on. I don't want to attract attention. I may be alone inside the school but I can't guarantee that no one will see the lights inside the school from outside. A passerby might notice and report to the police.

Then I remembered that flashes from camera is enough to take a bright photo so I tested it. I propped the camera on top of the vanity then walked backwards to where I will be seen full body. The timer counted down and the camera flashed. I checked the photo and was satisfied by the result. The photo was bright and clear so I continued to take the second and third photo.

Then I walked out of the bathroom and went for the stairs and walked until the topmost storey, the third floor. I went to the farthest room and decided to start there and work my way down. I turned the doorknob, it was unlocked. It was a classroom. I decided to be photographed standing in front so I positioned the camera on top a desk facing the whiteboard and I stood infront of it as the timer goes. After the first flash, I turned so that my backside was facing the camera and waited for the second flash, then I gave a sideward position for the camera.

I repeated the procedure for all the classrooms on the third and second storey which was all unlocked. On the first floor were two more classrooms, chemistry and biology labs, faculty rooms, principal's office, the library and cafeteria, and some supply closet and bathrooms separate for boys and girls.

Luckily, everything was unlocked so I have no trouble taking the pictures. Finally, I went to the library to send the video and photos. I used the same terminal as last time. The time is already 11:06 so I have less than an hour to send. After 26 classrooms plus various other rooms, I have over a hundred photos to send and a large file sized video waiting to be uploaded.

As last time, I sent the pictures first then the video after that. I decided to compressed the photos in one archive to lessen it's size and sent it. While the photo archive was sending, I compressed also the video in a single archive and queued it to the upload list after the photos.

The upload process seems to went forever. I'm really growing impatient owing to the fact that I was sexually aroused, thanks to the blue pill, and I really needed to cum badly. Eleven minutes to midnight when the photos and video was sent. Jack sent a reply to wait and do not log out just yet.

Ten past midnight when Jack finally replied:
“I saw all the photos and the video. Second task completed successfully. Now, for your third and last task. You have to choose a hardbound book in your library and bring it to me.”
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