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Old 12-11-2015, 11:28 PM   #4
Kylevan's Avatar
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Default Section 3. I Was His Unwilling Boytoy

I went outside and ran towards the athletics field. Our school's sports field was at the very back of the campus. Beyong that was thick woods which was off limits and separated by a 3 meter fence.

The field was not well kept, what with the low budget provided by the school. I ran on the center of the field and set the phone on video mode. I propped the phone on the ground supported only by a rock to stand and I took off all my clothes including the shoes and socks. I pulled my jeans last and now I am fully naked, sweating because of the sweltering hot brought by the sunny weather. I kneeled on the ground and started to dig using my hands which was hard because the ground was not wet. After about ten minutes and I was convinced that it was deep enough, I pulled out my boxers from my jeans pocket and wrapped in it the keys to my house which I was keeping in the other pocket and the spare key to my gym locker.

I placed the items on the hole and covered it with the same earth I dug from it.

Then I quickly put on my clothes, jeans first, then the shirt, socks, and lastly the shoes. I stopped the phone from filming and picked up the rock and placed it on top of the burial mound.

Halfway to the bathroom, the lunch bell rang and soon the hallways were full of students coming and going in every direction.

I made my way to the bathroom only to be alarmed when all the five stalls were occupied apart from the ten urinals outside the stalls. I decided to go wash my hands first in the sink. After all, Jack didn't told me that I couldn't wash my hands after the digging part. He only told me not to wash after the cumming and massaging part.

Ten more minutes passed and one occupant left the stall so I went in immediately. I placed the toilet seat and cover down and started the phone on filming. While holding the phone with my left hand and directed at myself, I unzipped my jeans using my right hand and jacked fast. I need to finish this task because I only have a quarter an hour left to send the proof to Jack.

After three minutes, I was able to cum a huge load on my chest. Some even managed to land on my neck and shirt which was curled up my chest. Still using my right hand, I spread the cum on my chest and whole front of my upper body but there were still more so I massaged them on my dick, pubic and crotch area. The cum on my neck, I scraped it and applied on my chest area where my shirt was curled up.

My upper body was now wet with cum and the smell was overwhelming. I continued to rub my chest until the cum dried up. By this time, I was the only one left in the bathroom. I quickly zipped my jeans and stopped the phone from filming. As I walked out the bathroom, a wet stain was noticeable on my shirt and crotch area of my jeans but I didn't care. I went to my locker and took my lunch which consists of a sandwich and energy drink. I finished eating in four minutes then grabbed my phone connectivity cord and ran for the library to send the videos and photos.

The connection at school was not very promising because of the very limited budget but I have to make do and send the videos or else, my naked photos from yesterday will be sent to the school if I failed to deliver.

Thankfully there are unoccupied computer terminals so I chose the one at the back, facing the wall so no one might look over my shoulder without my knowledge. I hooked my phone using the connectivity cable and logged on to my Facebook account. I sent first the photos to show that I did the challenge. This way, Jack will be informed that I did the task even if the videos were delayed because of the connection situation.

Jack replied, "Incomplete. You have 26 minutes left before I will post your naked photos. I expect to receive the rest of the task in 26 minutes or else."

I told him that connection at school was very poor so the video upload will take some time.

He replied, "I don't care. That is your problem, not mine. A dare is a dare."

I was really scared and sweating really hard even though the library is well ventilated. My heart was beating fast and I thought I was gonna faint. The first video from the field which is the larger file was now halfway on its upload. Time check: 18 minutes left.

By this time, my shirt was now fully soaked in my sweat as well as the upper part of my jeans. Six minutes more passed and the first video uploaded completely. Then, the smaller sized video started uploading. With twelve minutes left, I thought my breathing stopped and the world around me stopped. I was wishing that this was all over. Then, the screen prompted me that video upload was complete. I checked the time and was relieved that I completed the task with three minutes to spare.

I waited for Jack's reply and he said that he will review the videos first before he can give me his decision if I completed the dare successfully. I logged out of Facebook and cleared the browsing history and head back to the classroom to get my backpack which I left during the last period.

I went to my teacher for the next period and asked if I can skip the rest of the class because I am not feeling well. She gave me her permission and issued an excuse slip to be given to the teacher for the next and last period. I took the slip and went to look for my teacher for the last period. After giving him the slip, I walked home.
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