Thread: Fiction: Prison Island II
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Old 12-08-2015, 05:13 PM   #13
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Chapter 7

The first thing Ruby felt as she opened her eyes was the excruciating pain coming from her head. She tried to move her arm to the back of her head where it hurt the most, only to find out that they had tied her arms together above her head to some wooden beam hanging from the roof.

Ruby tried to figure out how long she had been out cold. Her hair was still dripping wet from the rain, so she couldn’t have been out for too long. However, she didn’t feel her shirt on her anymore, so she didn't know if that had dried up or not. Did they take it away from me? She asked herself in the darkness. Unable to see herself in the dark, she tried to have a look around the room, to see if she could spot something, anything that would tell her more about her situation, but it was impossible to see anything, so she tried to listen for sounds. But that also turned out to be pointless. It was almost completely silent around her, the only thing she could hear was her own breathing and the soft sounds of the rain tapping on the roof.

A few minutes later, after having given up spotting anything that could help her, a door opened and some guy walked in with a candle in his hand. “You awake yet?” He asked, but not in a way that sounded like he expected an answer.

Ruby felt her breathing increase in speed, she didn’t manage to produce any words. She had no idea what they wanted with her, where they had taken her, or even what had happened with Annie.

“Good, seems like the blow to your head wasn’t as bad as i feared.” He walked to the side of the room and placed the candle down before coming back towards her. She could see it was the same guy that had been in front of her with the rain coat, just before she blacked out. “Sorry about that, does it still hurt?.” He placed his hand on her cheek and wiped away what had to be mud or dirt covering her face. “A sweet little thing aren’t you? Pretty to look at, at least from what i can see here in the dark with the help of this candle. You should take that as a compliment by the way. Most people on this island end up looking all dirty and messy after only a few days. But even though you're covered in mud, there’s just something special about you.” He slid his hand further down and started to cup her small breasts, one at a time, squeezing them softly before giving out a sigh. “I only wish that i didn’t have to share you with the others. Anyway, i was just supposed to see if you were awake and make sure that you were okay, your head wound i mean. Try to get some rest for now, you’ll need it.” He walked back over to his candle and picked it up and headed out, leaving her alone again in the dark and silent room.


Ruby didn't know how she had possibly fallen asleep in her current state, but the sounds of raging thunder and dripping water woke her up. The rain was falling down heavily on the roof and the water was leaking in. She didn't realize how thirsty she was until she got a few drops of rain water inside her mouth and felt how dry it was. She let out a few coughs as she swallowed the few drops of water before she managed to calm herself. "Hello?!" She screamed out, tired of being locked up and tied to the ceiling. "Please, i need some water." She waited a few seconds, no response. "What do you want from..." The door opened up and this time two people entered, both holding up a candle as a source of light.

"Finally awake again? You've been out cold all day." The man with the rain coat asked.

"I really need something to drink." Ruby switched looks back and forth between the two guys standing in front of her. "Please."

"You hear that Peter. This one knows how to ask nicely." The other man said. He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of shorts. She could see how wet the rain had made him due to the flickering light from the candle.

Ruby took this as her opportunity to get friendly with them. "Peter is it?" She had to cough. Just speaking made her throat feel completely dry. "I'm Ruby."

"We already know who you are." Peter answered with an angry tone in his voice. "Why the fuck did you give her my name?" He pushed the other guy backwards slightly.

"Sorry, i didn't even think it was a big deal." the other guy got his composure back, and it didn't seem like he had any plans to push Peter back.

"Whatever. Seems like we're doing introductions earlier this time then." Peter started. "You know my name, we know yours. And this guy is Nathan. Today is his day, you’ll find out what that means soon enough. But since you've been out for most of it, you won't be seeing too much of him." He gave out a short laugh and patted Nathan on his back. "Well, Nathan here can help you with your drink. He probably has to relieve himself sooner or later, right Nathan?"

"Of course i can." Nathan answered back, already pulling down his shorts.

Ruby felt a chill shoot through her body. "What?" Before she got time to figure the situation out, Peter had walked over to the wall and untied the rope that went over the wooden beam in the sealing, allowing Ruby to lower herself to the ground. Finally getting a proper blood flow through her arms again after having them raised for so long.

"Now kneel down nicely in front of Nathan here, and open your mouth." Peter commanded.

Nathan stood in front of her with his limp cock in his hand. "Open your mouth! And don't even think about closing it before i'm done okay? Or Peter here will make you wish you never woke up today."

Ruby was left speechless and in shock. She did as she was told, not even daring to try to resist. Nathan inched his way closer and aimed his cock straight at her mouth and released himself. The beam hit her so suddenly that Ruby immediately coughed and spat out most of what came in to begin with, also making him hit her face and the rest of her body with his pee.

"I told you to fucking open your mouth!" Peter screamed at her.

Ruby tried her best to sit still and opened her mouth back up. Nathan continued peeing into her mouth and she managed to sit still this time. Most of it just ran back out of her open mouth, but no matter how much she tried not to, she did end up swallowing a few times as the pee hit the back of her throat.

"See, that wasn't so bad." Nathan said as he pulled his shorts back up. "If you're still thirsty after that, then that's on you. If you get desperate enough, i’m sure you can lick something up from the floor before it dries up."

The two boys left her again, leaving her alone in the dark room, naked, soaking wet from both rain and urine. As she started to calm down again after what had just happened, she started to feel the drop in temperature. She pulled her knees up to her chest and placed her arms around them. And then the tears started running. She had never felt more helpless and alone before than what she did at that point.
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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