Thread: Fiction: My Sister's Friends
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Old 11-29-2015, 07:16 PM   #228
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 81

Chapter 41

I hurried down the hallway as quickly as I could without spilling Lindsay's cereal or juice. I felt even more ridiculous trying to hurry and keep a breakfast tray steady with nothing on except for a tube sock flopping back and forth between my legs. When I got into the room I saw Lindsay sitting back in a defensive posture on my bed with a bewildered look on her face.

Lindsay tried to answer Marie, "Marie, I'm sorry. I-"

"Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Marie continued to shout, "Tricking my little brother into getting naked last night wasn't enough, was it? No, now you want to blackmail him! Do you think it's okay to blackmail one of your best friend's little brother into being your slave?"

"Marie, Pat wants this," Lindsay responded cagily.

Marie didn't accept Lindsay's defense, "Don't try to blame this on him! You didn't delete the picture, did you? And now you're holding it over his head and telling him to humiliate himself or you'll share it."

"Seriously Marie, I told Pat I will delete the picture. He asked me to keep it," Lindsay said, trying to get through to Marie.

At this point Marie turned to me, "Look at him Lindsay. This isn't how he chooses to spend his mornings. Pat, do you want to be Lindsay's slave?"

I was looking down at the breakfast tray and not making eye contact with either of them. I didn't want to admit this to my sister. I didn't want to tell her that I asked to be Lindsay's slave and that I didn't want it to stop. But I had no other option. I couldn't lie and leave Lindsay hanging out to dry. I couldn't ruin their friendship just to save my own dignity. So I just stared at the breakfast tray and said, "Yes."

Marie was surprised by my answer, which gave her a moment's pause. She still wasn't ready to accept this, "Pat, you can be honest. Whatever she might have told you, I will make her delete whatever she has on you. If you're afraid of what will happen if you say you don't want to be her slave, don't be. I will protect you. I promise."

After Marie poured her heart out like that, I had to come clean, "It's all right Marie. I told Lindsay she can keep the picture. I even let her take more pictures. I... I like it... when she tells me what to do. You don't need to protect me from her."

Marie was stunned, "Wow... I mean I knew you were a dork but..." Marie turned to Lindsay, "I guess I owe you an apology."

"Not at all," Lindsay said, "I understand completely. I can only imagine what you were thinking. This is a very awkward situation and what happened last night-"

"Let's not talk about last night," Marie interrupted, "...ever."

"Of course... And if you want us to call off this whole slave thing, I'll stop right now."

I made eye contact with Marie as she said, "I mean, it's your lives. I'm not gonna tell you two to stop if it makes you both happy. I'd prefer not to see my brother dressed like this ever again."

Lindsay replied, "Yeah, sorry about that. I'll make him put clothes on when you're around."

Marie laughed, "This is so weird." Then Marie said to me, "But I guess there is an upside, now that you're a slave you can make me one of those breakfasts."

"Hey now," I protested, "I'm only Lindsay's slave."

"Actually Pat," Lindsay interjected, "I'd like you to treat Marie as your superior, especially when I'm not here. You will do everything that she tells you to do, as long as it doesn't interfere with any of my commands."

"Huh? Are you serious?" I said, "Okay, I'm starting to have second thoughts about this."

"Ha-ha, too late little bro," Marie poked. "You convinced me that this is the best thing for you. No backsies."

Lindsay added, "You can start by giving Marie that breakfast and then going to make me another."

"Thank you Lindsay!" Marie said as she took the tray from my hands.

"You are very welcome," Lindsay said.

They way that they ended their exchange made me feel like I wasn't even in the room. Marie left down the hallway, taking the breakfast into her room, and closed her door. I wondered how difficult Marie would make my life now that Lindsay had given her what remained of my rights.

"I'll go make you another breakfast then, my Queen," I said to Lindsay.

"Please do," Lindsay instructed. "Oh and Pat, if any of the other girls are awake, offer to make them breakfast and perform any tasks they might request."

"Yes my Queen."
Read my story: My Sister's Friends

Last edited by FLCL; 11-29-2015 at 07:21 PM.
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