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Old 11-05-2009, 05:03 AM   #15
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Swindon, UK
Posts: 9

I've come up with a modification to this one, hope the OP doesn't mind me putting it here.

The problem I found last night is once you've pulled one hand free you can remove the rest of the pegs more easily, rather than having to pull them. So, the modification is as follows:

Tie the keys to a padlock (or handcuffs) to the head of the bed, and also attach a rope to the head. Then scoot down so you can't reach the keys. The rope should be long enough that youcan still reach the end of it. Then attach the clothes pegs and tie them to the foot of the bed. The number can be decided by a dice roll (or two or three if you're feeling brave). Then padlock your wrists to the rope. Now you shouldn't be able to reach either the pegs or the keys with your hands. You have to move up the bed to get the keys, which will pull the pegs off. How long you have to wait can also be decided by a dice roll. For some added drama, wait till you're desperate for the loo.
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