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Old 10-22-2015, 11:00 AM   #6
Junior Member
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Wow. This ones really hard, kinda regret doing it but too late now.

Level 1: Starting Point
-1 "I wuv Dareprophet"
-1 "I AM: A Happy Baby"
-6, Reroll:2 (6(3[5 mins thumbsucker]),6(3[5 mins thumbsucker])) Level 3

Level 3: Adult
-3 [1 day bottles]
-5 (doesnt exist anymore/cant find it)
-5 (doesnt exist anymore/cant find it)
-3 [30 mins paci-sucker]
-3 [30 mins paci-sucker]
-4 [Tails- Diapers for 2 changes, ask 2 people for permision and 2 hours of wet and messing. Must drink water every 10 mins and a laxative every hour.]
-6 Reroll:1 Level 4

Level 4: Teen
-2 (5 [Terminator Male 3 Hours], 6(3[2 days of baby formula]) Level 6)

Level 6: Newborn
-5 [Must do nothing but sleep drool and cry for a day. Must have a bottle of formula close for food. Must use my diaper/be blindfolder and I cant leave my bed. No diaper changes. Do all of level 1]
--All of level 1
--1("diaper wetter"),2(5(4x2[pee myself twice],1("in a crib")], 3[5 mins thumbsucker], 4[pee myself], 5(1x2[two weeks keep on profile]), 6 (4[pee myself]) Level 5

Level 5: Toddler
-1 [Level 0 rolls count as 5], roll level 0 and then this level
Take punishment-3 [50 spanks]
-3 [Rules]
-6 4[Diapers must be leaking before changes 1 month], Level 9

Level 9: Other
6- Level 8

Level 8: Limitless
4- [Curse baby hypno x=5]
6- 4[baby hypno], Level 9

Level 9: Other
1- Heads Level 0

Level 0: Free Rolls
3- Reroll
1- Me big now!

TL;DR- Punishments
Profile Changes/Sig Changes.
Must suck my thumb for 15 mins.
Must drink from baby bottles for 1 day.
Must suck my paci for an hour.
Must wear diapers for 2 changes and sit in wet/mess for 2 hours, asking 2 people for changes.
Terminator acting teen for 3 hours.
Must drink baby formula for two days.
Must do nothing but sleep drool and cry for a day. Must have a bottle of formula close for food. Must use my diaper/be blindfolder and I cant leave my bed. No diaper changes.
I must spank myself 50 times.
I must follow these rules.
  • When...
  • ...Sucking your thumb it must have just passed by your ass.
  • ...Sucking on a pacifier it must be strapped. And will also cause you to strap it to your mouth that night to sleep.
  • ...You can only drink bottles looking up, with both hands on the bottle and your feet up from the ground.
I must watch a curse baby hypnosis video 16 times in a loop every day for the next 3 months. (I suppose I will have to do this during sleeping since its so long... so just all night.)
Diapers must be leaking before I change then for 1 month.
I wet myself three times while doing this. (I wasn't wearing a diaper either. )

Be careful if you want to do this one. I will be working on this for months.
Hypnosis, Diapers

Bladder Control, Feminization, Humiliation/Degradation, Spanking, Public, Laxatives, Enemas

Blood, Excessive Pain, Food, Scat eating, Family/Friends, Illegal


PM dares
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