Thread: Fiction: 2058: New earth
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Old 10-23-2009, 09:32 PM   #1
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Default 2058: New earth

It has been 38 years since world war 3, life as it was known before then ceases to exist right now. After the bombing of the white house on the 5th of december 2009, the world went into a rage, America blamed Afghanistan and fired their missiles straight back to Afghanistan, this was the beginning of The War of the Evolution, going into panic the Allies backed the Americans, and countries from all over the middle east and asia went to help Afghanistan, The war was now out full throttle, no one country was safe and for any country to have a chance they had to side with the Allies, Lead by America, or the New Axis, Lead by Afghanistan. Modern warfare was on the advance, new militaries testing new weapons of mass destruction, would this be the war to end all wars? or would this be the war to end humanity? After the first 3 years every country in the world had joined one side or the or the other, which meant that constant little battles between countries were erupting from all over the world, the most famous was Russia v Germany after WW2 Germany wanted revenge for the falling of berlin and the death of Hitler, seeing this opportunity Germany joined New Axis at the start of WW3, Germany was the first country to use the new age weapons of mass destruction, in 2013 Germany successfully blew Russia up, using a weapon never seen before in the history of mankind, the G12NET or Guerrilla 12 Network Explosive Transmitter, it was a virus sent through the Russian phone lines effecting all computers, which caused all caused all computers to dramatically overheat and create explosions big enough to blow up a house, every computer in Russia blew at exactly the same time at 23:00 monday night, the 23rd of January 2013. Turning Russia into dust. Thousands of Russians took refuge in Fin land, But as europe turned into a battlefront many countries took refuge in the allied countries, most of which were sent down to Australia.

By 2015 Europe was completely taken by the allies, New Axis had taken South America, Canada and Greenland, the only countries the allies had left in that region were mexico and USA, which were on the edge of being taken over, 200 million people stayed and fought, whilst the other 100 million people fled to Europe. By the end of 2015 America and Mexico had been completely taken over by New Axis, the Allies Held Asia, Europe and the islands of the Pacific, Australia, New zealand ect, and New Axis held North America and South America and were starting to advance against Africa to have a clear path back into europe.

In 2017 New Axis had successfully taken all of the southern countries in Africa from Tanzania Down. The Allies had just created the new strongest explosive in the world,it received the nickname Earth Mover, the exact name was never known, it was so strong that the land it was used on was completely blown off the map. Using this new technology they opted to stop New Axis having a path for their marching army, they blew up Portugal, Spain, Morocco, parts of Algeria, Tunisia, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman. These countries were completely gone the Allies had completely separated Africa from Europe

Using this technology had down sides, the caused shifts in the tectonic plates causing earthquakes and tsunami's all over the world, all of the islands in the pacific were completely washed away because of tsunamis, the only bit left of australia was the top of the blue mountain which stood 100 meters out of the pacific sea. After New Axis took over africa and had learned what The Allied had done, scientists went to what was left of Algeria to find out what the bomb was made of, after an exhibition of 4 months they finally had the answer, New Axis wanted revenge so they took the lovely America, using 2391 bombs of Earth Mover they demolished the continents of North America, South America and Greenland. Only 3 continents were left at this stage Africa, Asia and Europe.

The human count had gone from 6 billion to 467 million people, by 2019 New Axis had gotten there full army to europe to have the Last Face Off with the allies. After a war that went for a year and a half the war finally ended leaving the earth with only 3 continents, less the 1 million people and no civilization.

The war had finally ended by 2020, people scattered all over what is now called New Earth, colonies have started to pop up everywhere, we are a colony the name of our town is Town Of Seaside, it was founded by Greg Marthelles Jr, an Australian soldier who fought in the Last Face Off he survived, and after stealing a military hummer that also survived the war he drove down south, he found the old country of Georgia, which is the country directly north of where Turkey used to be.


"Man That was the longest modern class ever" jack said.

So thats the end of my introduction to my new story, hope you like it the rest will be coming soon, and if your sitting their thinking its lame because there's no BDSM or anything in there you will just have to wait and read the next part.


Happy Daring
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