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Old 10-08-2015, 04:21 AM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: UK
Posts: 262

Chapter 9

Alex arrived home and found Sophia curled up in bed. It was only 7pm but Alex knew she’d had a tough couple of days, so decided to let her rest for a bit. Alex decided to check up on her slave, she’d been preoccupied the last few days so had done nothing but let him out twice a day to use the toilet and got him to fill up his food and water dishes. “How are you?” she proclaimed as she marched into the room.
“Good Mistress” was all he replied, huddled up in the corner of his cage. Alex sighed, the moment she saw him she was bored. The same monotone voice, willing but not interested, obeying but not determined. Alex couldn’t stand it anymore. She grabbed a key from her nightstand and walked over to the cage.
“Frank. I want you to listen to me very carefully.” His head turned up slightly. “I can’t cope with this anymore; I have too much going on in my life and have found three new projects. I know you have been willing and done close to nothing wrong, even when I’ve been unjustly rough with you.”
Frank got a serious look on his face. She never addressed him by his actual name, not since her father had died. She meant it all. “Mistress, please don’t.”
“Frank. I’ve made up my mind.” She turned the key in the lock and opened the metal door to the cramped cage. “Get out and stand up.” Frank obeyed instantly not knowing anything else but serving. Alex looked him over, why couldn’t he just be more interesting she thought. He had such good intentions and had served her well but she just wasn’t fascinated or concerned.
“You’ve done your job well as much as I didn’t want to and I know my father would want you to be looked after. I have a link to a few places if you are desperate to still be a slave but I hope you move on and find a new life Frank.” Tears actually started to appear in Frank’s eyes. For the last 7 to 8 years this had been his entire life.
“But what will I do? This is all I know” Frank mumbled, for the first time shaken and worried.
“You’re still young enough. Meet someone, get a proper job, make a life for yourself and have some fun. Do you want to spend the entirety of your life trapped in a cage? I will help you as well with money. I’m going to transfer $40,000 into your account as payment for your hard work and will provide you with the greatest reference ever for a butler. I have also asked Jane in the local bar to rent you the spare room as a favour for me. I have never cared much for you Frank, but I’m not going to just throw you onto the streets, but I don’t really want to see you again.”
“Thank you Alex, you’ve given me everything I wanted and needed.” Alex, he called me Alex she thought. That name hadn’t passed his lips in so long it felt weird.
“Not a problem. Now pack your stuff, it’s all in the wardrobes on the far side, and leave. I want you gone before I wake up.” Alex patted him on the shoulder, more affection than she’d ever shown him in the past and then exited the room leaving Frank motionless, confused and silent.

Alex returned to the living room and pulled out her phone and started to text Tina. ‘Hello, I want you at the company 6:30 sharp tomorrow, clocked on and waiting outside my office for me. Understand?’
Out with the old and in with the new she thought, and then went to wake up Sophia. The reply didn’t take too long, just three words. ‘Yes miss Alex.’ It wouldn’t be too long before that changed to mistress but she had to be patient. Tina will be easy but Ken was a loose cannon and Sue still far too proud to break easily.
The contracts were still lying on the table; all of them hadn’t even had a chance to read it properly but some of the finer details were crucial. This would be enough to protect her and Sophia should any of them have a drastic change of heart. There was no way anyone could prosecute them when she had these no matter what she did.
Alex now had entire control over their weekly rota and timetable.
Alex now had entire control over their wages and could determine any changes and how it should be spent.
They had agreed to any punishment deemed necessary at any point.
They had all accepted to do absolutely anything she asked of them, and had agreed to allow any force or action against them without even reading it.

The points went into a lot of detail but they had practically all signed over their lives unknowingly and she loved it. She wanted to break them though and not just force them.
Sophia walked into the room in a dressing gown and sat herself down next to her lover. “Hi Alex, how is it going?” she asked, knowing how busy the day had been.
“Where to start Soph, I’ve just got rid of Frank.” Sophia smiled; the slave annoyed her and just seemed a pain, especially as an older guy. “He’ll be gone by morning. I’ve moved our three delinquents to the upstairs offices. It is so grim up there but hopefully they’ll have it into useful shape for when I expand production.”
Sophia chuckled. “You are such a bitch Alex, how can you ask anyone to live up there? It’s horrible.”
“Who do you think your calling a bitch darling?” Alex remarked with a smirk. “I just need them to clean it all out and it’ll save me a job. Consider it a scare factor. I’ve put in a bid for the three bedrooms flat on the ground floor, so I can have them close and watched at all times. Obviously rent will still come out their wages, not to mention the gym memberships when they start those.”
“So everything is working out?” Sophia jumped onto Alex’s lap.
Alex leaned in for a quick kiss. “Of course, just like I said, and for an added bit of fun, Tina will be in my office first thing tomorrow; time to have some entertainment.” She leaned back in to the kiss and in one movement Sophia’s dressing gown was lying on the floor leaving her completely exposed. “Much better; a perfect form like an angel.”
“So how come you get to keep your clothes?” Sophia quipped. Alex flipped Sophia onto her back on the couch and tentatively kissed down her neck.
Her lips travelled further planting a kiss between every word as Sophia moaned. “Because… tonight… my… darling… is… all… about… you.” As she finished the final word her lips made contact with the right nipple causing Sophia to gasp. Alex’s tongue flicked out just brushing over the tip in slow movements, circling tentatively around it, just causing enough contact to elicit small reactions.
She quickly switched nipples barely even removing contact and repeated the process. Alex could feel Sophia twitching underneath her with every movement being greeted with a reaction. The moans were already growing as Alex departed the breasts and travelled downwards.
The kisses continued to plant a path downwards until Alex could feel and smell Sophia’s juices coating her pussy. She licked her lips and dived in to the job, no longer taking the delicate approach used on the nipples but furiously attacking with her tongue. The moans above grew louder with every second as the inevitable orgasm approached.

Alex and Sophia arrived at the company just before seven the next morning, the night before a bit of a blur. Most staff arrived at about half 8 so the building was near deserted apart from the night staff finishing their shifts. Alex went straight to the clocking on machine where she saw only one name clocked on in the department, Tina’s.
She quickly checked the time and was met with a little disappointment. 6:32 was the time displayed. One request and she’d already failed. Sophia had a sly grin at it though as she clocked on her own card, knowing that Alex didn’t tolerate any mishaps. They made their way up to the office to find Tina slouched against the wall with eyes closed. “Up straight” Alex barked out the order sternly and Tina’s eyes shot open and instantly she stood upright.
“I thought you said half six Miss Alex?” Alex smiled at least she got one thing right. “I did, which is when you were supposed to be here, you were two minutes late. I can get here whenever I choose, now don’t question me again.”
Tina looked shocked at the response as Alex opened the door. “Sorry Miss Alex, it won’t happen again.”
“You’re right it won’t and I’m going to make sure of it. In!” Tina quickly scurried through the door into the boss’s office and it was locked behind the three of them. Tina was starting to feel scared; why did they need to lock the door, what was happening. “Firstly I have a message which you will be delivering to the other two. Everything else which happens here will remain between the three of us for now. Understand?” Alex finished and Tina nodded.
Sophia sat down on Alex’s desk just watching everything happen whilst resisting the temptation to play with herself. There will be plenty of time for that in a bit.
“You will inform Sue and Ken that from now on the three of you will be attending a 3 hour gym session every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after work, where you will do a range of exercises laid out for you when you get there. I want you all in top shape.” Tina groaned, she hated exercise, she had a slim figure but from eating healthily rather than working out.

“Now for the fun part of this morning and I want you to do everything without delay. Now strip.” Alex tone of voice didn’t even change from the first comment. Tina looked like someone had slapped her hard across the face. “Wh…Wh…What?” Alex sighed. “I’ll let you off with a warning this time but you refuse again and there will be consequences. Now strip.”
Tina reached down and pulled off her top before removing her shoes and then black skirt she always wore to work. She was left in just her bra and panties. Sophia unable to resist the urge anymore, watching Alex reveal her dominant nature, her hands reached down and started to play with her pussy. Tina hesitated and Alex landed a swat on her ass causing Tina to jump. “Did I tell you to stop?”
“No Miss Alex.” She replied and reached round to unclip her bra before sliding her panties to the ground and stepping out, leaving her entirely naked in front of her boss and her boss’s assistant. She could see no other alternative though; prison was not an option to her and this had to be the better way. She was starting to realise the extent of what Alex had planned though and it scared her, tears starting to form in her eyes, her hands reached to cover herself but Alex just swatted them away. Tina let them rest by her sides.

“Much better” Alex said as she strolled around the naked 19 year old girl in front of her. “On your knees.” Tina quickly dropped down. “Hands on your head, legs spread.” Tina quickly followed the orders hoping for this to end quickly. “Much better, you’re getting the hang of this.”
Sophia inserted a finger into her own pussy as she continued to watch the show play out exactly as she hoped.
“Please Miss Alex. Don’t do this.” Tina pleaded. A sharp swat of a hand landed on Tina’s right breast almost knocking her to the ground but she quickly regained her position.
“I know this is new, but never tell me what to do. Now whenever I say P1 short for position 1 you will get into this position. Understand.” Tina nodded. “A sharp slap landed on her left tit. “Answer properly.”
“Yes Miss Alex.” Tina sobbed. “Better.” Alex replied as she continued to circulate the young girl assessing every inch of her body. “Hands behind your back; face to the floor, ass up.”
Tina took a moment to process the request but then quickly got to the position. “Higher.” Tina forced her ass higher into the air exposing her completely to the two women. Alex reached forward and stroked the round ass in front of her. “Excellent, whenever I say P2 you will get into this position. Understand?”
“Yes Miss Alex.” The tears were now running freely down Tina’s face but Alex also noticed the matching glistening wetness on her pussy betraying her feelings. She smiled.
“Stand back up straight; hands behind your back and legs slightly spread.” Tina instantly followed the orders. “Better, much better, you may have at least some competency after all.” Tina smiled at the backhanded compliment, which didn’t go unnoticed by Sophia who smirked at the vulnerability of the teen. “This is P3.” Tina nodded her understanding. “Now go to P1.”
Tina instantly dropped to her knees with hands on head. “Good. P2.” Tina followed quickly again. “Good.” Tina smiled. Something about the approval made her happy, like she was succeeding, impressing the boss; the tears were dissipating quickly. “I’m glad you can follow basic orders. There may be some hope for you after all. We know you can do the basics now at least. P1.” Tina shot back up to her knees and Alex leaned down resting her face just inches from Tina’s. She ran her fingers slowly through the girl’s hair and rested her hand under her chin forcing her to look upwards. “Now this is just the beginning, you want to impress me don’t you?”
“Yes Miss Alex. I want to impress you and Miss Sophia.” Sophia let out a small moan at this.
“Good. Are you going to do all you can to make us happy, because you will like me a lot more when I’m happy?”
“Yes Miss Alex, I want to make you happy.” Tina couldn’t believe the words coming out her mouth, she felt disgusted at her position right now; she wanted to run for the hills, never come back, but she also didn’t want to see any disappointment in the deep, piercing eyes she was currently staring into, which almost seemed to reach back into her soul. She wanted them to look at her with pride, she wanted to impress them.
“Prove it, what will you do to make me happy?” Alex whispered into her ear, this was going better than even she had hoped it would. She’d awoken a natural submission and urge to please in the girl.
“Anything you want Miss Alex.”
“Call me mistress.”
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