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Old 09-30-2015, 06:06 AM   #62
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Default from karl

Phase 1: Dress
5 - Completely naked

Now that you are properly dressed, we will start with a small punishment. This are designed to keenly focus your mind on the task at hand and raise your apprehension of what is to come.

Phase 2: Introductory punishment
3 - Write "I will do as I am told." 10 times on a sheet of paper

Alright, we shall start by prepping your anus for the events this evening. I want you to do a thorough job so that everything is appropriately lubricated. This is for your own good. If you are wearing clothes, you are to only bare the needed areas. For example, if I need access to your anus, pull your pants down or skirt up. Do you understand? Good.

This section will tell you in what position (unless otherwise stated) you are to be in for each given phase. You will refer to it and roll each time you reach a new phase. We will now lubricate you. You are allowed to use anything you wish as lubrication, but I urge you to choose something that will truly lubricate. You don't want to use toothpaste... at least not yet.

1 - On your hands and knees
2 - On your side with your knees pulled up to your chest
3 - On your back with your knees pulled up you your chest
4 - Bent over your bed (or chair, table, desk, etc)
5 - On your stomach with your legs together and a pillow under your hips
6 - Standing

Position :
5 - On your stomach with your legs together and a pillow under your hips
Phase 3: Preparation
2 - Place a large amount of lube on two fingers and slowly spread it around and inside of your anus. Repeat this three times.

Now we are going to introduce your anus to some mild stretching. We will begin with your fingers and move on from there. While you are performing the actions, you are to think about how this will remind you to correct your behavior. Thank me aloud for allowing you to do this, as without this period of stretching, the rest of the program would be much more severe.

Phase 4: Stretching
3 - Use one finger, but you must be rough. Jam it in, bend it, twist your finger around, withdraw it quickly, etc. You must do this for 3 minutes.

Now that you are stretched out, let's introduce you to the object which will be invading and causing so much discomfort this evening. Hold your dildo in front of your face.

Phase 5: Your dildo
3 - Perform oral sex on it for two minutes. Start slow and work your way up to bobbing your head deeply on it.

Now, you are to lubricate the dildo. Spread the liquid all over the surface and thoroughly coat it. If at any point you feel that you need lube, feel free to add some.

Are you ready for it to invade your ass? I really don't care one way or the other, because it is about to happen.

Phase 6: It begins
5 - Quickly thrust it in two inches and them withdraw until just the tip is in, wait 10 seconds and then thrust again. Repeat 20 times.

There.. that wasn't so bad, was it? If you truly thought it was, then you are in for a huge surprise. For this section, use Each time there is a beat, you should thrust the dildo.

Phase 7: Fucking
2 - All of the way in, half way out. 40 bpm, 3 minutes

Positions : 1 - On your hands and knees

Phase 8: More (remember to roll for position each time)
4 - All of the way in, most of the way out, 58 bpm, 3 minutes

Enjoying yourself? It matters not. Let's change things up, shall we; we don't want anything getting stale.

Positions : :4 - Bent over your bed (or chair, table, desk, etc)

Phase 9: Cool off your ass for a bit
3 - Insert 3 ice cubes until they melt

There, wasn't that pleasant. The cold will contract your skin and make these phases more intense. Relubricate the dildo and move on to the next phase.

positions: 2 - On your side with your knees pulled up to your chest

Phase 10: Back to the dildo
3 - Half way in, all the way out (remove it), 50 bpm, 3 minutes

If I am not mistaken, I believe you enjoyed that last phase. You were moaning and gyrating like you derived pleasure from fucking your ass. For this, you will be punished.

Phase 11: Punishment
4 - Insert the dildo completely, sit down on it. Now, use a spanking instrument (spatula, hairbrush, etc). and spank your genitals, but focused. Men should only swat their cockhead, ladies, spread your vulva and swat your clitoris. It should be moderate strength and at 69 bpm.

This program isn't without a little pleasure. I find that pleasure makes the lesson lodge more permanently in your mind, so it's for the use of the program, not simply for your carnal needs.

Positions : 4 - Bent over your bed (or chair, table, desk, etc)
Phase 12: Pleasure
6- Place three clothes pegs on each nipple and edge yourself once.

Let's go back to the subject at hand. The dildo and your ass.

positions :3 - On your back with your knees pulled up you your chest

Phase 13: Drilling
1 - Insert the dildo one inch and leave it there. Twist it 180 degrees each time the beats hits at 126 bpm. Two minutes of this.

That was a lovely change of pace. Now, back to fucking. Remember to roll for position each time.

positions : 5 - On your stomach with your legs together and a pillow under your hips

Phase 14: Are you sore yet?
3 - Half way in, all the way out (remove it), 50 bpm, 3 minutes

I believe it is time for a little more punishment.

positions :6 - Standing

Phase 15: More pain
2 - Place three clamps on each nipple and then spank your genitals hard or one minute. 80 bpm.

Alright, we're nearing the end. Things only get rougher from here.

positions : 1 - On your hands and knees

Phase 16: More fucking
1 - All of the way in, half way out, 80 bpm, 4 minutes

positions :6 - Standing

Phase 17: The end
4 - Fuck yourself with the dildo, All of the way in, half way out, 92 bpm. Orgasm.

You have now completed the Anal Reform School Program. Do comment and tell all of the other participants what you rolled and how everything felt. Tell me what you enjoyed and hated most so that I can better craft future posts to your desires.

As usual a really good humiliating and effective training for ass play... master loved seeing me doing all this...

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