Thread: Fiction: Rent Free (R-18)
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Old 09-06-2015, 06:26 PM   #34
getDare Succubus
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Default It all falls down... 6

(You may or may not have guessed it but this story is slowly drawing to a close. That being said, I'll most probably write another story afterwards. And there's still a few parts to go before we wrap it up).

"Money," the detective said to the young man. "You think it makes you invincible. Just because your father has a lot of it, you thought you could get away with it. You didn't... that girl you raped, she's gonna testify against you!"
"That's bullshit!" the young man replied.

The detective sneered.

"See... she was smart. Smarter than you. You drugged her yes, so she can't remember who it was that did it but... there's a camera at the entrance. We know everybody that came in and out of the home that night. And she made it straight to the nearest cop... didn't even bother dressing up, see... she knew not to wash away the evidence you left all over her body."

The young man stared, completely bewildered.

"Look, I... didn't give her the drug."
"Well, you sure didn't stop when you realized she wasn't exactly aware of what you were doing now, were you?"

The detective stared out the door.

"We got your two conspirators in other rooms, talking to other detectives. How many girls did you do this to? It's rape, fuckhead. You're going to jail... and then, it's gonna be you on the receiving end. Unless you like that sort of thing... I'm not judging."

Peter Lamont couldn't believe it. Jayna had told on them. The police had picked them up around 6AM on Sunday. Apparently, Jayna had made a full deposition: being drugged, waking up covered with sweat and semen. The bitch had ratted them out. He had fucked her too - along with about ten other guys. He was going to jail.

It was all Tina's fault. She was cooperative. If she hadn't missed her deadline, if she hadn't gotten ill, if she had been been there.

Although Peter had admitted to nothing, his lawyer still not present in the room, it was obvious his father's power and influence wouldn't protect him. But it was more than that: his father would disown him for the shame he had brought upon the Lamont name. Peter's life was over, and all because that stupid Tommy had convinced them to make a deal with Tina.

The detective knew that this young man and his friends were all guilty. Drugs had been found on site: GHB, cannabis, cocaine, meth... none for resale, but enough for strong convictions. These kids had wasted their money in illegal activities, had even gone so far as to gangrape a girl. No one in the department would let this slide. An example would be made of these three: privilege had its advantages, true, but the fall from grace was only steeper because of it.
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