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Old 09-01-2015, 07:39 AM   #11
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Default karl again

here what I got !


Your alarm didn’t go off!
2) You better run. Go for a 20 minute jog, 30 if you change. [30min, 40 if changing]

5) Whatever you want [Limit of 5 items total: Shoes,socks,and accessories all count] --> pants, shirt, sneakers one and sneakers two

What did your parents make for breakfast? (Do not roll if you rolled 5 or 6 in the above roll)
1) Toast. No butter. No milk. No anything. [Only 1 slice]

You have arrived at your school which looks eerily similar to your living room.
You are late, this is a punishment after all.
4) Technically I’m not supposed to do this. Hit hand with ruler 10 times. [15]

You first class is English.
3) You’ll be watching a movie! About English. Watch an hour of a documentary related to the English language. [Mute and disable subtitles]

Washroom Break
1) Go ahead. [Go ahead]

Your second class is Art.
5) Due today is your pencil drawing of an elaborate landscape. You completely forgot about that… Draw for an hour, but don’t finish. 30 minutes detention. (Keep track) [45 mins]
--> detention had been kneeling writing 50 lines : "I must do my work properly or I am punished"

Time for Lunch

6) You are the school bully! Steal someone’s lunch (whatever you want), but get a phone call home and an hour detention (keep track) [An hour and a half]
--> detention naked with a dunce cap writing 125 times : "I must not bully other pupils or I will be severely punished"

After lunch is Gym. That’s some good scheduling right there.
3) Your teacher is tired. Do whatever you want for an hour, or skip the hour. [Do nothing for the hour, you can exercise if you want]

Washroom Break
3-6) You don’t have time. [And drink a glass of liquid]

Your last class is History
3) Today, we will be re-enacting slavery in Ancient Greece. Clean your house for an hour. [Then mess it up again]

Add up your total time --> 6 hours detention
3) Half it, kneel in the corner, do nothing [Same time]

30 minutes kneeling 30 minutes sitting down writing lines : "I must understand why I am severely punished by detention"

in all I wrote 300 lines and went 3 hours keeling in the corner

1 phone call only

4) Spanking,early bedtime,Special dinner, cornertime

spanking : 4) 100 spanks on each cheek [150]
early bedtime : 4) As soon as your punishment is done [Same] meaning at 16:00
special dinner: 5) Half a sandwich [Make it a quarter]
5) An hour [An hour and a half]
position for CT
5) Squatting [same]

A nice but really hard Sunday

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