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Old 08-29-2015, 09:31 PM   #53
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Hogwarts
Posts: 278
Blog Entries: 6

Yay for reviving old threads

10 things that turn you on?
1. Pain.
2. Rules.
3. Control.
4. Being called a "good girl"
5. Intelligence
6. Humiliation
7. Sexy accents
8. Dirty talk (being told what someone wants/is going to do to me)
9. Begging (and being denied)
10. Pretty eyes/smile

Five things that turn you off?
1. The term "Daddy," especially used in a D/s setting. Every time the word comes up, I think of my own dad.

2. Dominant males who think that they're morally superior to everyone else, especially submissive females, just because they can be. The ones that think they can get everything they want, and are entitled asses. Even more of a turn off if they harass/act childish to someone after being turned down.

3. People who are narrow minded. I'm a nice person, I really am. But if I see you being racist, sexist, prejudiced, discriminating, or just outright mean to someone else, you'll go on to the list of people that I highly dislike. I will ignore you. If you're any one of the five listed above to me? You'll go on to my list of people that I'd want to see burn in hell. Simple, yes? Moving on.

4. Poor hygiene. Self explanatory.

5. Everything in my limits turns me off. Too lazy to link.

What sex toys do you own? (household objects used for personal 'pleasure' such as clothespegs, candles, phallic vegetables etc do count!)
Crop, rope, pegs, candles, belt, ice, scarves, blindfold, and wooden spoon. Feel like I'm forgetting something..

What sex toys do you want to have, but don't?
Spanking implements: Whip, cane, paddle, flogger. Ball gag. Handcuffs. Restraints, for self bondage. A hitachi. I don't find anal very pleasurable, so maybe a vibrating butt plug? And a collar, if that counts. And...list goes on...

What is your favorite toy?
I don't own any actual toys, just stuff that I've gathered from around the house. I'd have to go with the belt here.

What is the most perverted thing you have ever done?
Got walked on a leash and all fours in the middle of the night, wearing only a bikini (more like three scraps of fabric) around a neighborhood. Had a golden shower and had to drink some piss before being allowed back inside.

What is the most painful thing you have done for sexual pleasure/a dare?
Various things to my breasts. They're really sensitive. So breast/nipple torture.

What is the most disgusting thing you have ever done for sexual purposes/a dare?
See answer for most perverted thing I've ever done. That was when I discovered that pee is a turn off.

What is the biggest thing you have ever had inside you?
A cock, orally

How many times do you masturbate in a day, and how?
Lately it's not often, as I'm not allowed to come..only to edge and frustrate myself even further. When I do, it's usually either by teasing or torturing.

What real life encounter has had you most turned on and horny?
There are a lot of them, all awhile back..can't really remember.

What is your most perverted/twisted sexual fantasy?
It revolves around being the toy of a group of guys...

What is your favourite fantasy, if different?
See above. Also, being in a r/l relationship with my dom

Do you like the taste of cum? What about your pussy juice? Pee?
No, no, and no.

What is the longest you have ever been tied up for?
3-4 hours, by a former Dom.

Describe the most sexy outfit you own?
I don't really buy sexy outfits. It'd probably just be a black mini skirt and a revealing blouse, along with some heels.

What do you like about Getdare?
That you can explore your kinky side freely, without fear of being judged. I've also met a ton of really nice people here.

What do you dislike about getdare?
The idiots, enough said.

What is the dare you most enjoyed doing?
I tend to really like spanking and body writing dares.

Which dare did you enjoy doing least?
Ones that aren't creative.

What two things do you love the most. Why?
Life. Kinda cliche, but whatever, I don't care. I still have my whole life ahead of me. So I've learned to live in the moment, to laugh every day, and to love beyond words. To forgive and forget, and to live without regrets. I've fallen in love, I've danced like nobody's watching, and I live my life to the fullest. I follow my dreams, I stand up for what I believe in, I smile, and I try to be happy. Most importantly, I don't give up. So at the end of the day, I won't have any disappointments..because I'm not getting any of this time back.

Night time. I love the peaceful-ness. I love how quiet it is. Being awake when the rest of the world is asleep is a surreal feeling. I find the relaxation and comfort in the darkness. Everything's more intense at night - it's better for thinking, for hoping, and for dreaming. There's a quote I really like.."I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." For me, the 2 AMs are worth having a fucked up sleeping pattern for.

What do you hate the most?
Arrogant, ignorant people. Judgy people, especially ones who think they're better than everything else. Waking up at 7 AM. Coffee. Papaya. Burnt popcorn. Dramatic girls. Slutty girls. Justin Bieber. Getting game invites on Facebook. Having my phone blown up from a group chat. Tourists. Traffic. My alarm in the mornings. Being interrupted. The messed up world we live in.

What is your favorite activity to do with friends?
I don't mind, as long as we're having a good time. Swimming, just hanging out, chatting about the most random topics.

What is your greatest strength?
My kindness, optimism, and willingness to listen and try anything new at least once.

What is your greatest weakness?
Procrastination and laziness. I trust too easily and let myself get attached to people. My fear of failing.

What is your biggest vice?
My sweet's bad

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Self-defense, Krav Maga in particular
(Continue learning) guitar

Which superpower would you most like?
Ability to read minds, because..yeah

Have your dreams come true, or make someone else's?
My own haven't yet, so it really depends on who that someone else is...

What do you miss most about being a kid?
Being able to fall asleep in the car and wake up the next morning in my bed.

Be a dragon, or have a pet dragon?
As long as it wouldn't set me on fire, have a pet dragon. Because dragons are cool.

Cuddles, or sex?
Cuddles. Definitely.

Cake, or death?
I like cake, but I don't wanna be immortal either...can't I pick both?

Winter, or summer?
Summer. It's almost always humid/subtropical where I grew up. I can't imagine living somewhere cold, and anything below 70 Fahrenheit is freezing to me.

City or Country?

Classic, or 'new and improved'?
Referring to what?

Dark or milk chocolate?
Milk. Dark chocolate has a weird taste to me. I can eat it, but I don't like it.

Dogs or cats?
Dogs are more cuddly, but cats are less maintenance and cuter, sooo...cats.

Fiction, or non-fiction?
Fiction. I'm an avid reader. I get bored easily with nonfiction-all I read is fiction.

Picnic, or nice restaurant?
As cliche as it sounds, a picnic on the beach watching the sunset sounds amazing to me.

Driving or walking?
I can be lazy, so driving

Books, or films?

Bacon, or cheese?
Bacon! What kind of a question is this? Also, I hate cheese (don't kill me)

Tea or Coffee?
Tea. Healthier, and I just don't like the taste of coffee

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
Better question: why isn't there cat flavored mouse food? Huh? Huh? :P
"Don't underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, & notice more than you realize."

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