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Old 09-23-2009, 02:46 AM   #9
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Posts: 66
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Those Masters are immature people (kids despite their age) full of ignorance. It is not bad to be ignorant, we all started from level zero. The problem is to act like a knowing-everything-God especially if your activities involve another person's emotions in such an intence activity as M/s can be. This is immaturity.
They keep repeating the phrase "power exchange" as if it is a symbolic single word. Well, it is inot, it is a two-words term. The power has to flow both ways to be an "exchange" and it is the same power flowing either way, just in different form and shape depending on the side you are. It may look different but it's the same power like steam and ice may look different but they are both water.
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