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Old 06-23-2015, 05:02 PM   #49
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 12
Default Heres mine

Headphones or earphones?
Earphones so long as there not in ear earphones

2. What is your "getting ready for a date" ritual?
shower, dry hair, pick clothes,paint nails

3. Have you labeled yourself things (such as OCD, depression, bi-polar, ADD, ADHD) without a professional's opinion?
Yes depression

4. Aliens. Do they exist? Are they here already?
yes, no

5. Pirates. Favorite non-fictional pirate? No idea but fiction is Jack Sparrow and not because of johnny deep

6. Do you prefer long hair or short hair on the opposite sex?
Slightly long to shoulder length as i like something to run my hands through

7. If you discovered an unknown land... what would you name it?

8. In your opinion, what is the most adequate type of legal system? Code law

9. Would you rather be the cheater or be cheated on?
Neither i have been cheated on before

10. Have you ever cheated in school (pre-school through grad school)? Don't lie! :P

11. How many children do you want, if any?
Not sure im only 22

12. Do you consider sex to be an important part of a successful romantic relationship?
Not really

13. How long have you gone without bathing?
6 days i was camping and the showers were dirty and had a spiders nest and im scared of spiders

14. Do you like the way you look?
No i prefer when i was size 14 as within 6 months ive become size 20

15. Have you ever found yourself quoting a Disney movie?
Not quoting but singing the songs

16. When was the last time you blushed?
Cant remember

17. Are you happy?
Kind of

18. What is your favorite pastime?
Going to Swanage for my holidays

19. Least favorite food? Turkey

20. Who has inspired you to be a better person? Myself as i dont have anyone around me
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