Thread: Questionnaire.
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Old 08-15-2009, 02:39 AM   #4
John Masters
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Cumbria
Posts: 194

(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? John
b) How old are you? 58
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom) slave
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? generally less than an hour
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? 8 if I can

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? No!
b) Eaten/tasted poo? No!
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? Yes
d) Had sex? Yes
e) Played a sex game? Yes

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? Yes
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? No
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) No
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? No
e) Have sex with someone you just met? No

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? Yes
b) Have a fetish? Yes
c) Want to have sex? Yes
d) Own a sex toy? Yes
e) Watch porn? Yes

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? All the time
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Yes
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? As often as I need to
d) Do you do a dare per week? I endeavour to complete the tasks my Master sets me
e) Do you masturbate? As often as my Master allows

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? Women but I'm bi curious
b) Sex or Masturbation? Both
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? BDSM
d) Pictures or Videos? Both
e) TV or Computer? Both

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? Everything
b) Your Favourite song? The words
c) Your Friends? They put up with me
d) Your House? There's plenty of room
e) Your self? My height

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? That's for others to say
b) Fat or Thin? Started out thin but I've put on weight
c) Happy or Sad? Usually happy
d) Normal or Weird? normally wierd
e) Tall or Short? Tall

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? No
b) Put your legs behind your head? No
c) Strip tease well? No
d) Flirt successfully? No
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) No

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? No
b) Had a short term master/mistress? Yes
c) Been ‘disowned’? No
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? Yes
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? No
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