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Old 08-10-2009, 04:15 PM   #14
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Default Keeping Fit

Right so here is the one I wrote up yesterday and lost...I'm afraid I'm going to try and shorten it a bit because I'm too dispirited to do it to the same level of detail again!

I'm quite a keen runner and there is a 20 minute circuit I do from my house regularly. For the first 2 minutes or so it involves running through a built-up area on 'busy' (i.e. plenty of cars down them in the day, less so at night) roads with houses on both sides. After that you turn onto a smaller road that just leads to a few houses (which are on the right hand side) and which has a grassy area about 12ft wide on the left hand side (with lots of benches so people can sit and look out at the sea) before a steep embankment leads down to the beach. If you follower this smaller road along it starts descending down to the beach (although there is a barrier to prevent vehicles getting through). When I get down to the beach I used to run along the promenade (where there is nowhere to hide from anybody else out on it) before going back up another 'road' that leads to a main road with houses (and a public car park). I never run far along this main road, pretty much just round another vehicle barrier at the top (so nobody could really see me from the houses but you still have to run in obvious view of the car park). The route back was just retracing my footsteps there. Anyway, I've done this run lots of times as a normal training run but it also became a fairly regular dare of mine - I'd sneak out the house (as I live with my parents), strip off in our drive way and then do the entire thing naked. I probably first did this dare when I was 15 or so and did it on and off up until I was approximately 18. I have only ever done it at night (probably leaving between 11pm and 1am) but thinking of pushing it and going out a few hours earlier (maybe 9pm???) this winter because at least it will be dark then (think I might be too chicken to do the residential bit at this time though!). As I've done this dare so many times I'm not going to go through each one in detail but rather I'll try and highlight some of my more interesting experiences doing it....for all of these stories its probably good to remember that my clothes aren't really anywhere nearby and in each instance I had no option other than to somehow make my way home naked! Although the route only takes 20 minutes when I run it seriously, naked for a dare I'm guessing it took about an hour to complete...

I remember the first time I tried to do this I walked down to the beach first and was just planning to strip off there (so that way I could skip the residential areas). However, when I got down to the promenade I couldn't get up the nerve and after seeing 3 sets of people about I chickened out and went home!

I think the first time I actually worked up the guts to do it I went for the whole thing straight away and stripped off in my drive. The run through the residential area went fine but just as I was turning into the smaller road (with a grassy area on one side) I saw a group of people about my age walking towards me. I veered off slightly onto the grassy bit and just ran straight past them - nobody made any obvious signs that they'd seen me but I can't see how they could have missed a completely naked guy (I don't even wear shoes when I'm doing nude dares) running straight at them in what was a reasonably lit area. Looking back on this I can't believe I ran straight past them - nowadays I'm a little more cautious and, whilst I still get caught and seen by people, I do tend to try and hide before they spot me! Anyway, I sprinted as fast as I could past this group and also blew past an older couple just turning down a footpath. The rest of my run was uneventful until I turned back onto my road on the return journey. As I said before I like to play the cautious approach and in residential areas will generally try and look round corners before throwing my naked body around them. For whatever reason I didn't do that this time and as I rounded the corner I saw a guy (that was about 20) walking up the road towards me. He'd already seen me so I just ran straight on past him, passing him on the pavement within a couple of feet! I remember being worried, probably irrationally, that he was going to get angry and violet but luckily for me it all went 'fine'.

Several times doing this dare I've been seen in the residential area by cars (who have beeped me). However, as far as I know, only twice have I been seen by a person on foot. The first of these just whistled at me from her garden as I ran by. The second time was slightly more terrifying! I was running back down the road on my way home and I had seen a girl walked up the road towards me (I think I was hiding behind a car or something at this point). I decided to run out onto the pavement and just run past her at this point. As I did so I realised too late that there was a guy on a bicycle on the road next to her! She exclaimed and the guy on a bike gave chase (I was now sprinting flat-out in the opposite direction!) also yelling, not aggressively, about a streaker! What particularly scared me as I was running away was that the guy on the bike sounded suspiciously like somebody from my school who I knew lived down this road - I was terrified he would recognise me as none of my friends know about this secret hobby of mine (although in the last couple of years a few have cottoned on to the fact that I'm fairly clothing liberal) and I really didn't want it getting out at school! Anyway, I had a bit of a headstart on this guy on a bike and sprinted back towards the beach, sliding/running down the grassy embankment for a little bit before lying down on it to catch my breath. He hadn't seen me go down it so I started edging along towards my house (taking a different route to the one I normally run along) for a bit before I ascended it again and continue back towards my house. However, as I came over the crest of this slope the guy on the bike (who was still around but again some way back) saw me and again gave chase! Flat-out sprinting I manage to loose him (or tire him out or bore him!) in the residential area and get home safely! I think though, purely because it was someone I knew on the bike, that this is the third most nervous I have been whilst completing a dare and the other two experiences (which you're going to have to wait quite a while to hear about!) were a lot more extreme and risky!

Another time as I peeked round the corner to my road I saw that there were people sitting on the wall of their front garden a few houses up from mine. I wasn't going to run past them in case they recognised me so I tried to circle round and approach my house from the other side. However, I was still worried that they might see me so I ended up going back towards the beach and sitting on a bench for about 30 minutes before managing to safely and easily get home.

Apart from the odd skinny dipping session there's only one other time I can remember that seems worth mentioning (surprisingly I don't think I've ever bumped into anyone whilst running along the beach part apart from once where there were a group of people just the other side of the barrier that marks my turn-around point so I wimped out and turned back early). As I said earlier there is a car park just before my turn-around point and I think, bar this one time, it's always been empty. However, this time two of the cars had occupants. One had a woman in it (who was parked facing me but she had her head down and was fiddling with something or reading something) and the other had two guys in it and was parked sideways on to where I planned to run. Anyway, I decided to go for it and complete the dare as normal. Running past them twice (as I go back the same way I come) I thought I'd got away with it but as I started running along the beach I heard two men running along behind me! I don't have any evidence that these were the guys from the car but I'm fairly certain they were (as there wasn't really anywhere else two men could have come from without me seeing them!). I've got no idea how close they got but I'm guessing they were close enough to see me if I could hear them - fortunately all my training (running this route clothed in the day!) paid off and I outpaced them and got home without any other problems!

Having recounted those stories I'm feeling a little nostalgic for this old and favourite dare of mine (guess it was the first time I'd spent a long time naked in public). My dares have moved on and have been a little more extreme recently but if anyone has any ideas to improve on this dare or make it more risky then I'd definitely be interested in hearing them! Sorry for the delay in posting this one but at the 1700 word mark I hope you can understand why I didn't want to type it up twice in one night - I only wish uni essays would roll off so easily!
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