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Old 08-07-2009, 09:29 AM   #5
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Default Waiting in the Car

Another time, probably at around the same stage in my life as the last post, my Dad and brother had gone into the local hospital for some sort of routine appointment and I'd remained in the car parked up at the side of a busy road leading to the hospital. I've no idea what motivated me to do this but I decided to undress in the car, other cars were driving past but thankfully you don't get trucks etc up that way so no-one could see it. I had just stripped completely naked when I saw a bloke and his kid walking along the pavement only a few metres behind the car I was in. I remember being really scared and not sure what to do so I lay out across the floor of the back of the car and flew my clothes over me so that they covered my private areas and bits and pieces of the rest of my body! I remember being (naively) worried that the man would think I was dead or injured or something and try to break into the car to help me, thus meaning I'd have to reveal my full nudity! Unsurprisingly no such incident occurred but the man did give me a funny look as he walked past. As soon as they were clear I sat back up and, shaking quite a lot, got dressed pronto!
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