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Old 04-11-2015, 12:29 PM   #110
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Part 36

Lisa walked away from the embracing nude lovers, stretching and swaying in her sundress.

“Yeah,” nodded Jen in agreement. “Besides, we should get her down before mom is done her shower.”

“But my slave girl makes such a pretty window dressing!” teased Lisa.

“Har, har...” Jen mocked her sister’s continued attempts at humour. “Can you do something useful for once and pick out some clothes we can wear?”

“Um, MY clothes? Ew. No.”

Katey grew increasingly self conscious as her lustful mind continued to drop from its euphoric high. Lisa’s unexpected response - the only clothed person in the room - only drove that further. Katey slowly began to cover herself with her hands once more.

But Jen was rightfully agitated. She clenched one hand and faced down her older sister shamelessly. “What! Seriously? Just lend us something!”

“Hells to the no! You’re all coated in sex and sweat. I don’t want your lesbo juices ruining my wardrobe!”

“Well we can’t exactly join mom in the shower, can we?”

“Can’t you?” Lisa said with a wink.

Rolling her eyes, Jen turned back to Katey. “Fine. We’ll get clothes from my room. But let’s get this one down first.”

Katey nodded and looked towards the very spent and abused sex slave they hung in the window. A single drop of Becky’s juices had spilled out from the top edge of her slit and was now making a slow trek down the front of her inverted pelvis towards her belly button. The vibrator was still running full bore into Becky’s quenchless pussy, the young girl convulsing softly and continuously from its uninterrupted assault.

Jen was already untying one of Becky’s ankles, seemingly unconcerned by the fact that she was still suspended several feet in the air.

“Katey, can you hold onto her?”

“Oh, sure.”

As Katey approached the window she was reminded of something.

“Umm... is that boy still outside?”

Jen instantly tensed up, glancing out the window. She was standing on a chair next to Becky to more easily reach the ropes holding her in place. But this put every inch of her own naked form on display to any outside onlookers. Including, perhaps, one of the neighbourhood boys.

“...yes.” sighed Jen. “It’s Aidan,” she added, awkwardly twisting her body away from the window as much as possible while still attending to her expertly tied knots.

“He’s a nosey fucker, isn’t he?” replied Lisa with a giggle. She cracked one of the window panes and stuck her middle finger outside. “Get lost, jerk-off!”

Katey stepped closer to the window. She caught a final glimpse of the panicked boy as he peddled away furiously. There was no telling exactly how much he could make of them with the glare and reflection of the sun on the window, but considering how long he had been standing there it was safe to assume that whatever he saw had captured his imagination.

With the peeping-Aidan gone, Katey stepped the rest of the way up to Rebecca. But not before Jen finished untying one of her ankles. Becky swung freely to one side, now suspended above the floor by only a single limb.

Katey jumped in shock. She wrapped her arms around the swinging girl in an attempt to steady her, lifting up as best she could to limit any strain on her ankle. It was a good thing, for both Becky and Katey’s sake, that the girl was as skinny as she was.

“Honestly... you three look hilarious right now,” goaded Lisa, continuing with her peanut gallery remarks from her bed. “I should take a picture!”

Katey couldn’t see much of what they looked like from her new position. Her view was consumed by only two things: Becky’s splayed open crotch and the fully functioning rabbit vibrator sticking out of it, both inches away from Katey’s face. Then it hit her; she had just fucked another girl senseless with a sex toy. If someone could have told her what she would end up doing today...

“Are you not going to help at all?” scolded Jen as she moved her chair.

“Hmm. I’m sure I could find something to do.”

After a few seconds Katey noticed Lisa saddling up next to her. Katey smiled weakly, hoping for a hand to help support Becky. But that wasn’t in Lisa’s agenda. She held up two fingers and pressed down on the end of the active vibrator. The added pressure quickly coaxed a moan from the panting, breathless Becky. But Lisa relented almost immediately. She slid her fingers to one side of the vibe and flicked a switch. The buzzing and motion that had been steadily emanating from the device promptly ceased. Becky finally managed to take in a long full breath. But all of that air left her again in a disappointed guttural groan when Lisa nonchalantly pulled the intruding object from Becky’s overworked hairless slit.

“I bet you’ve never sucked a dick before,” jeered Lisa, twirling the vibe between Becky’s legs.

“Lisa!” Jen yelled at her sister.

The menacing older sibling poked at Katey’s mouth with the electronic phallus.

Lisa continued, “How will you ever know if you’re actually into girls if you never suck dick even once?”

Katey scowled at Lisa. She didn’t agree with that logic. She wanted to keep her mouth closed. She tried to keep it closed. She had no interest in sucking anything. But as the taste of Becky’s fresh orgasm seeped past her lips, Katey couldn’t contain herself. Becky’s scent was already consuming her senses, her supple folds nearly within licking distance of Katey. Her lips parted ever so slowly inviting Lisa to gently guide the thoroughly coated veiny toy into her reluctant mouth. Her tongue involuntarily swirled around the slick shaft to collect Becky’s nectar. Lisa pulled it away almost tauntingly, bringing the tip to Katey’s lips again, then pushed back inside. Slowly and softly, Lisa fucked her mouth with stiff silicone. Katey could sense herself getting wet all over again.

Lisa’s cock-teasing was interrupted when Becky suddenly dropped. Katey resecured her grip on Becky’s waist just fast enough to prevent Becky from landing on her head, then eased the two of them down onto the carpet, laying the mostly delirious Becky on her back.

“Are you very much done yet?” chastised Jen. She jumped down from her chair to confront her sister.

Katey stared down at Becky. She looked rough. Sexual juices coated much of her face. Her glasses had barely stayed on. Her black hair was ragged and wild. Yet despite the otherwise horrific experiences this insatiable daredevil had just been through, Becky’s expression held nothing but a blissful smile. Katey smiled back at her, brushing the hair from her face before kindly kissing her forehead.

“Oh, please. Can’t I have a bit of fun? Besides, she didn’t ‘not’ like it!”

“Uh, yeah, mom is home! Now is probably the time to stop!”

“Maybe... but Dad is an even better excuse.”

Jen froze in place, raising an eyebrow. “...what?”

“That IS the garage door, isn’t it?” Lisa smirked again.

A faint rumbling sound no one else had noticed came to a stop after Lisa’s sentence.

“Shit! We have to go!”

Katey glanced around the room, lifting Becky onto her unsteady legs. The young girl’s arms were still bound behind her back. “Can’t we hide again?”

“I... I’m not supposed to have friends over right now. WE,” Jen glared at her sister, “are grounded. With just mom here maybe I could sneak you out. But with mom and dad we are GOING to get caught. We have to go now. Lisa. Car! NOW!”

Lisa flopped back onto her bed dramatically, vibrator in hand. “I’m tired.”


The rumbling started again. The garage door was closing.

“ keys are at the door.”

RRRR!!!” Jen growled in exasperation.

Lunging to the side, Jen picked up the towel from the floor. She held it against her chest, grabbed onto Becky’s arm, and ran out of the room, the semi-conscious Becky stumbling along with every shaky step. It was amazing her legs could hold her at all. Katey frantically rushed after them, desperate to not be left behind.

“Take care of my girl!” Lisa shouted to her.

“I will!” Katey shouted back. It occurred to her that she didn’t know if Lisa was referring to Becky or Jen. Or for that matter, why she had even bothered to reply.

My stories:
Going Unnoticed at School
Becky's Brother's Sleepover
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