Thread: Fiction: Rent Free (R-18)
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Old 04-10-2015, 09:04 PM   #89
getDare Succubus
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Default Justine's investigation

Locked doors were a problem. The tenement house where Justine and her daughter now lived was an L-shaped structure, spread over three floors, with seven apartments in the long section, three on each side and one at the end. Justine had been set up on the second floor, second door to the right. Pinky was on the first floor, last door to the left. August himself had his office at the end of the hall on the first floor, and his apartment was behind that, in the other short section of the L.

Beyond that, Justine had no idea who currently lived, having met (or heard about) none of them. As far as she knew, there was no one else, but that didn't seem to make sense. Surely, more people were taking advantage of August's unique arrangements. From what he had told her during the interview, she had felt like there would be many people in the dwelling.

Curiosity getting the better of her, for whatever reason that night, she had tried out doors, knocking first (though no one answered) and then trying the handles (finding the places locked, which made sense). There had been no one on the first floor, and no one on the second either.

Knocking at apartment 303 (after getting no answer from 301 and 302) finally yielded a result. It was around ten on a Saturday night. As soon as she heard sound shuffling beyond the door, Justine felt bad. She was surely disturbing whoever was in there. She was tempted to run away, then she heard the lock on the door, and she saw it swing open.


It was an old woman, not so old that she was decrepit, but past her prime, possibly in her early seventies. She was wearing a long night gown which reminded Justine of old movies. Her appearance came as quite a shock to the young mother, who considered her arrangement with August, and wondered how that could apply to this woman, not that she was ugly by any means, but she was old.

"um... hi."
"Hello. What can I do for you?"

The older woman's voice was raspy from extended cigarette consumption over a lifetime, and her breath smelled of it.

"I'm... new in the building."
"Ah! yes... you're August's new toy."
"Yes... sex toy."

The older woman stared down Justine as if she was naked. It made the young woman quite uncomfortable.

"...I... I guess," Justine hazarded.
"Don't be coy, young lady... my son is who he is."
"...your son?"
"Yes. August is my son. I'm Juniper. You are?"
"J-Justine. Hi."
"Well... don't just stand there. Come in."

Before she knew it, Justine was pushing past the door, and she closed it behind her, joining her landlord's mother in the apartment.
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