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Old 03-23-2015, 07:11 PM   #780
A Little Shy
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 62
Blog Entries: 11

Hello alll. I come bearing gifts. Both a day to add and a reduction opportunity.

If you wish to play for reduction get a dice (or pick one online) and roll it. If you get 1 or 4 then the spoilers earning task will pertain to your nipples, if you get a 2 or 5 your anus/ass, a 3 or 6 your genitals.

Once that is done pick a spoiler to find what pain can earn you reductions for enduring. Hidden among them is a pain-free, two days off gift from me however. Can you find it?

Strike whatever you rolled with a belt or other swishy object, for every one you can remove a day. 1 strike = 1 day.

Rolled your nipples or Genitals? Clamp them, for each minute you keep them clamped remove a day! Rolled your ass? lucky you, remove a day for free but you only get a day!

You found the lucky spoiler! No matter what you rolled a free two days off from me.

Cover whatever you rolled ( nipples, anus, genitals) in icy hot, hot sauce, or similar substance. For each minute left on untouched receive a day off. The catch? For every two minutes passed more must be applied

Sit/lay with whatever you rolled pressed against a hairbrush (or hairbrushes in the case of nipples/ass). Your full weight must be pressed against them. Each minute removes one day.
I'm sorry, I only communicate on getdare. NO skype, Kik, messenger, etc.

I am also not interested in being someones slave, submissive or mistress at this point in time. Thank you.

If you are still curious my limits can be found here, but realize that I rarely take dares from strangers, outside threads I start or person aboves.
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