Thread: [R18+] [FICTION] Prison Island
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Old 11-01-2014, 08:39 AM   #8
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Chapter 7

The next morning Kate took Ruby to the cafeteria to eat their breakfast, the cafeteria was in the same building as their cells, they just had to step through the door on the first floor. It was weird seeing all these other girls wearing the same revealing prison outfit as she had gotten last night from the guard.
  The cafeteria itself was quite big, clear white walls and barred windows like the rest of the building, tables all around with three sets of chairs locked to the floor on each side of them, probably to avoid anyone using them as weapons, seeing as they got no knives or forks to eat with either. All the food had to be eaten by hand.
As the breakfast was finished they stepped outside the cellblock. Kate guided her and some other girls she picked up at their cells towards the old school building she had arrived at last night. Once inside they went up a pair of stairs and into the first room to the right. The room was a classroom, or at least used to be. It had a big chalkboard at the front to write on and several desks placed in the room. Kate stepped to the front and asked the other girls to sit down.

Ruby looked around to see if she recognized anyone else from last night, but only one of the six other girls than her seemed to be new, at least from what she could remember, they all looked so different now in their new clothes compared to the red jumpsuits.

“Hello!” Kate started, looking at everyone. “For most, if not all of you, this will be the start of a new life in here. How you want your time in here to be is up to each of you, follow orders and you’ll get it easy enough, make it hard on me and everyone and you won’t be having a good time. Understood?” Kate seemed like a completely different person now as she was standing in front of everyone being an instructor, not the same innocent looking girl Ruby had been with up until now.
  Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
  “Good.” She continued. “Now, some of the work we do around here is traditional labor with washing toilets, scrubbing floors and things like that, but the majority of work here is more of a service to the thousands upon thousands of paying visitors that come here every year. The service we provide them varies from job to job, everything from massages and talking with them to... Well, i’m not going to sugar coat anything, it can go pretty much to a level of prostitution.”
  Ruby was surprised by that last statement, and she wasn’t alone. It seemed like the other girls aswell were all new here, and they all reacted the same way as her upon hearing the news Kate brought them. They exchanged looks to each other, all of them looking as nervous as the next one.
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