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Old 07-21-2009, 11:39 AM   #9
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: UK
Posts: 99
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1 Have you held another guy's cock? Negative
2 Has another guy held your cock? Yeah the doctor did once
3 Can you lick your cock? I sure can!
4 Has a sibling held your cock? Nope

5 Have you put a finger up your ass? Yep, I do it every now and then
6 Have you put a finger up another guy's ass? I don't think so
7 Has your cock been in another guy's ass? Nope
8 Have you had another guy's cock in your ass? Noo
9 What is the largest item you have inserted in your ass? All my fingers, I couldn't get past my knuckles
10 What is the largest item someone else has inserted in your ass? Nothing

11 Has another guy masturbated you? Nope
12 Have you masturbated another guy? Never
13 What is the most times you have masturbated in 24 hours? 3 times I think
14 What is the longest you have gone without masturbating? About 2 months, I'm not sure why but I just stopped doing it

15 Has your cock been in another guy's mouth? Nope
16 Have you had another guy's cock in your mouth? Narh
17 What parts of other people, Guy or Gal, have been in your mouth? Breasts, nipples... erm tounge
18 What is the strangest thing you have had in your mouth? I'm not sure, I put lots of stuff in my mouth without realising... Maybe a microphone or my memory stick

19 Have you swallowed your own cum? Yeah, every once in a while
20 Have you swallowed someone elses cum? Nope
21 Have you had someone elses cum on your face? No
22 Have you had someone elses cum elsewhere on your body? If so, Where? Nope
23 Can you cum on your own face? Yep, if I can lick my cock I'm pretty sure I can cum on my own face

24 Have you slept with another guy naked? No
25 Have you seen other guys naked, (except in changing rooms etc)? Not that I can remember
26 Have you stripped another guy? Nope, well I gave a guy a wedgie so hard his boxers ripped in half but I dont think that counts as stripping him LOL
27 Have you been stripped by another guy? Nope
28 Have you been seen naked by gals? If so how many? A fair few on the internet have and one or two have seen me naked up close.
29 Where is the most public place you have been naked? A park

and finally;
30 Do you dream of doing sexual things with other guys? If so what? Any guy who says he hasn't had a sexual thought involving another guy is lying but I'm still going to say no
Your eyes tell me try harder, But you're lost in the headlights, And I'm lost in your eyes

Loves: Semi public, naked, anything in the rain
Likes: Pee, messy, self bondage
L... OKs: Food, light/med pain, anal
Limits: Permanent, poop , involving other people, illegal, extreme pain
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