Thread: Fiction: Home (Almost) Alone
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Old 02-18-2015, 06:55 AM   #86
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Default Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Gemma chose her next partner. The boys were not that good-looking but, thankfully, she only had to look at their cocks.

Peter looked about fifteen. She smiled at him in an attempt to attract his attention. He jumped off the swing and approached her. He was fair-haired and wore blue jeans, with a wide belt, and a white t-shirt. He wore no jacket and his arms were bare.

As he approached her, he unbuckled his belt.

Gemma bit her lip. She was going to have to go through with this.

“Where shall we go?” Peter said.

Gemma pointed to the place where she’d given the first blow job. “There again,” she said. She led the eager young lad behind the fence ad he pulled down his jeans and boxers. His erect cock sprung up as soon as it was freed.

The cock was thick and she saw the big blue vein running the length of it. The purple tip twitched slightly.

Gemma knelt down in front of Peter and took the cock into her mouth. It felt warm and it was so big that it tickled the back of her throat. She started to move to and fro, sucking on the shaft. Instinctively, her hand caressed the base of it and she felt Peter’s hand gripping her hair.

Gemma’s tongue ran around the shaft as she attempted to draw the semen up through it as if she were sucking a milkshake through a straw.

It didn’t take too long. Without warning, Peter came in her mouth and before she could react to it, Gemma had taken most of it down her throat.

As soon as Peter pulled out from her mouth, Gemma saw Amelia with her phone poised.

“Got it all,” Amelia said with a smile. “Who do you want next?”

Gemma didn’t care at this stage; she just wanted to get it over with. “Des,” she said, “And then Ryan.”

Gemma took Des and Ryan as quickly as she could. She detected a slight difference in the taste of their semen. Des’ semen tasted sweeter. She suspected that diet had a lot to do with it and if you eat a lot of sweet stuff like cakes and biscuits and sugary things, it makes the semen taste sweeter. Gemma shook her head. She couldn’t believe she was thinking these thoughts.

“That’s four,” Amelia said, as soon as Gemma had finished sucking Ryan and the four lads had gone home satisfied. “Before the fifth one, I think you should do the other dare.”

“Other dare?” Gemma asked.

“Yes,” Amelia said, “Naked in the park, seeing as you’re already here.” She gave Gemma a sweet smile. “You have to let at least one man and one woman see you.”

“But I’ll be...” Gemma ran out of words before she added, “There’s no-one here.”.

“Just strip off,” Amelia said, “Take everything off and then slip your coat and shoes back on. We’ll go round by the lake. There’s usually a few people round there.”

“What about my clothes?” Gemma argued.

“They’ll be safe behind this fence,” Amelia said, “Like you said, there’s no-one here.”

Gemma stripped off completely, neatly stacking her clothes, and then she put her coat back on and slipped her feet into her shoes. “Please don’t make me do this,” she pleaded.

“You can just open your coat in front of one guy and one woman,” Amelia said, “As long as they see you naked, you’ve completed the dare. Then we can call one of James’ friends and get him over to your house.”

“My house?” Gemma said, “But my parents...”

“Leave that up to me and Becca,” Amelia said. “You’ll have to blow him in front of James though.”

“Why?” Gemma asked.

“I was hoping you wouldn’t ask that,” Amelia said. At Gemma’s look, Amelia added, “We’ve lost the key to the handcuffs.... Looked everywhere, but...”

To be continued...
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