Thread: Fiction: Home (Almost) Alone
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Old 02-10-2015, 04:01 AM   #81
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Default Chapter 28


Gemma ran through the possibilities in her mind.

There were compromising pictures of her, Tiffany and Jessica on Rebecca’s phone and there were equally compromising pictures of James on Amelia’s phone. She would have to acquire both phones if she wanted to guarantee success. But the pictures were also on her dad’s laptop hard drive too. Well, she could possibly get to the laptop, unseen, and delete them. She’d also have to empty the recycle bin on the laptop too. However, Amelia had sent the pictures as attachments to Rebecca’s email account. There was no way that Gemma could get access to that without Rebecca’s password.

Could she appeal to Amelia’s better nature? she wondered. Rebecca was utterly devoid of compassion and scruple; but Amelia?

Gemma immediately discounted that. Amelia was like a well-trained puppy obeying its master’s every command.

Yep, she thought, I’m still fucked.

“What are you thinking?” It was James.

Gemma looked round, startled. She’d forgotten James was still there. “Oh,” she said, “Nothing.”

“So, what do we do now?” James asked.

Gemma shrugged. James was handcuffed to her bed and Rebecca had the key. Gemma just prayed that her mum didn’t come in to tidy up. She could just imagine the conversation:

“Gemma," her mum might have said, "I’ve just tidied your room up. I’ve put all your clothes neatly away in the wardrobe, I’ve sorted your books out and the teen-fashion magazines are neatly piled up on your desk. I’ve vacuumed the carpet and... oh, what did you want me to do with that naked boy that’s handcuffed to your bed?”

Gemma decided that she’d have to keep her room spotless from now on and she’d have to let her mum know that very salient fact. From now on, her room was out of bounds to everyone!

Now, what was she going to do about Amelia’s dare. Blow jobs to five boys in twelve hours? That seemed an awful lot. She wondered if she could swallow cum without giving blow jobs. The dare was to swallow the cum. Could she masturbate the guys or get them to masturbate and then lick up the cum that they produced? That sounded even more gross that giving the blow jobs.

She blew out a sigh and then picked up her phone to dial Amelia’s number. “Amelia,” she said, when it was answered, “I’m going out to the park.” She listened to Amelia, then continued, “NO, not the naked one, the blow jobs. Meet me by the play area at...” she glanced at the time on the phone, “six-fifteen.”

She ended the call and turned to James. “I’m going out,” she said, before adding, “And for fuck’s sake, be quiet. My mum and dad are back now.”

“What was that about blow jobs?” James wanted to know.

“Never mind,” Gemma said, “It’s my problem, not yours.” She grabbed her coat and pulled it on, buttoning it up before she walked to the door. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

She walked out onto the landing and closed the door, making sure it was closed properly. She took a glance at her parents’ room. How could her father do those things with Rebecca in there without mum finding out? She couldn’t tell her mum, it would be disastrous. Her parent’s marriage was so stable, you could build a skyscraper on it; or so she thought.

She sighed again and then went downstairs. At the foot of the staircase, she called to her mum. “Mum, I’m going out for about an hour. I’ve tidied my room and homework for Monday is done.”

“Where are you going at this time?” her mum said, appearing from the lounge.

Gemma wanted to tell her mum about dad. She wanted to blurt out ‘Mum, dad’s been fucking Rebecca from next door.’ But the words wouldn’t come out. Instead, she merely said, “Just going out to meet Amelia at the park,” Gemma said, “We’re hanging out for a bit.”

“Okay,” her mum said, “Mind how you go, love.”

Gemma opened the front door and went outside. It was a ten minute walk to the park, and she guessed that Amelia would already be there, with her phone camera primed.

To be continued...
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