Thread: Fiction: Prison Island
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Old 02-09-2015, 09:50 AM   #125
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Chapter 43

As Ruby entered the room, she was met by Caitlyn from the other team, already waiting inside.
  “You look messed up.” Caitlyn said as Ruby walked inside.
  Ruby met her eyes, but said nothing. She leaned back towards a wall and slid down into a sitting position, placing her knees to her chest and folding her hands around them.
  “Hey, i took the same path as you, i did the exact same things as you, remember?” Caitlyn said, in a slightly annoyed tone. “I get that it might not be easy, but you signed up for this.”
  Ruby stayed quiet.
  Caitlyn released a long sigh as she walked over towards Ruby. “Here, if you’re not gonna say anything, at least read this. It said that i had to share it with you.” She held out a letter.
  Ruby looked up, reached out her hand and grabbed it. She unfolded the letter and read it’s content.
“Congratulations on being the first contestant to reach the final room. If it’s not your other team member that walks into this room first, show this note to her. If it is your team member however, throw it away.
The two of you now have the option to get out of here by taking a selfish decision. You can leave your original team member and walk out of here. The only thing the two of you need to do, is open up the door together. If you decide not to, the competition continues as normal, where the first team that get’s both of it's members to this room will be victorious. Make your choice.”

“Are they serious?” Ruby said, looking up at Caitlyn.
  “So she can speak.” Caitlyn responded. “But yeah, i knew you would make the same choice as me. I’m not going to abandon Chelsea either, just to get myself out. No matter how tempting that might sound, i would not be able to live with myself.”
  “Yeah...” Ruby said in a low voice.
They waited in silence for around a half hour before Ruby finally stood back up. “Hey Caitlyn.”
  “What?” She responded.
  Ruby took a deep breath before continuing. “I just wanted to say that, if i win... If me and Kate wins. I promise to get help. I’ll find a way some-”
  Caitlyn rushed over and placed her hand over her mouth. “Shh. Don’t talk so loud. Keep your voice low if you’re gonna say something that stupid.” Caitlyn nodded her head towards a camera above them on the wall.
  Ruby sat back down once Caitlyn released her grip on her. She talked in a whisper this time. “Sorry. But i’m serious. I’ll find a way. Will you do the same if you win?”
  Caitlyn started to laugh and sat down next to Ruby. “Do you think we’d still be here if it was that easy?”
  “I...” Ruby started, but she didn’t find any other words.
  “I don’t know what happens when you get out of here, but none of the twenty-four other winners have ever sent help. Sure... If it makes you feel better, i promise to do my best to send help. But don’t hang onto that hope.” Caitlyn said.
  Ruby was about to say something back to Caitlyn, but she got interrupted by the sound of a door opening.
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