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Old 07-17-2009, 02:42 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by LittleRayRay View Post
I have but one thing to say.

Oh my god. I hate obama. Tatter Tot was right!!! Mcain all the way, and in a few years he will die and get Pailin in office.

I feel realy bad for them. Man.

Oh LittleRayRay, you are still awesome and I want you to ignore this rant. But please, know this: I do not dislike you. You've said you've grown up in Indiana, so I let you off the hook, but let me please explain the FACTS: (Oh, and please no hard feelings):

1. Obama is not a bad president. We can all agree he is better than his predecessor. He has not yet started a pointless war that has no set goals. In fact he has tried to stop said war.

He has not ignored Global Warming, and is doing something, anything, to try to stop it.

He is trying to stop torture. Is it like Obama ordered this torture? No, he didn't. On the other hand, on his first FREAKING day as president he ordered to start closing down Guantamino Bay where the real torture was happening.

Incidentally, all this torture was allowed by George Bush, though banned by the Constituation. And, btw, Obama has discontinued Waterboarding.

That is suffocation torture.

Think about that.

And what about the economy?

Did you know that in the last three Republican presidents, we have generated a three trillion dollar debt. That's written as, $3,000,000,000,000

(Look at this funny video on Youtube:

Also, did you know, that with the last Democratic presdent before Obama, Clinton, there was a SURPLUS?

Obama is trying to make this country a better place. Obama is trying to fix the mess that George Bush made.

2. First of all, LittleRayRay (once again, please no hard feelings. You rock.) you misspelled McCain.

Second of all, and I quote:
and in a few years he will die and get Pailin in office.

Palin in office?

The thought haunts my nightmares. That woman is insane. She is THE WORST possible candiate for anything. Ever.

Can you imagine if Palin would become president? So what, "Oh there would be a woman president." That is not worth the era of doom and idiocy that would fall upon these great United States of America.

She believes "Creationism should be taught alongside Evolution in the Schools." WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are we living in the dark ages?! Creationism is clearly the beliefs of one religion. What would happen if they taught that? Why bother having freedom of religion at all, if the schools will just tell students, "This is what you have to believe." Do we need another Scopes Monkey Trial? Didn't we already have that? In the TWENTIES!

She wants to make a constitutional ammendment against gay marriage.

WTF???????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gay marriage should be legal everywhere. It's not fair. It's a form of segregation- it's like saying Blacks have to go to a seperate school. This is denying a certain group of people the American right to marry. It's the exact same thing as making a constitutional ammendment that bans people with blonde hair, or Muslims, or people who believe in Unicorns, or people who practice Wicca from marrying.

Besides that, it's bypassing the right of the state to decide whether or not gays can marry.

"Bridge To Nowhere" ring any bells?

Oh, remember during the campaign when she went to her church so that they could perform a exorsm on her to rid her of the demons that "Democratic sorcerers" placed upon her? Her church believes that she can talk "the languages of angels".

Well, at least she won't be wasteful.

Oh wait, she spent 35,000 dollars of campaign money on an outfit. What would she do with the American taxpayers money?

She seems to be a family-kind of person.

Oh wait, her teenage daughter was pregnant.

She seems to eb the worst possible person to be president, except for Georrge Bush himself.

So yeah, Obama is doing a pretty good job, and we shouldn't be swayed by these lies and half-truthes.
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