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Old 02-04-2015, 11:21 PM   #13
Clerisyberry's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: United States
Posts: 71
Blog Entries: 5

1. What was the last thing that turned you on? Be honest.
Ah, I was given a task recently, and that really turned me much so that I didn't really turn off. Ahaha! #OrgasmPls

2. Have you ever judged someone for their appearance? (Made unkind assumptions?)
Many a time have I judged, and it's a vice that hurts to have. I'm working on fixing it, though! I promise! Just make sure you wear a nicely pressed shirt, or I won't take you seriously.

3. Have you ever made someone cry? Like really cry?
Yeah. I broke his heart, and I still regret it every day.

4. If you could have a threesome with any two gD members... who would you choose? And why?
I'm going to upgrade this question into an orgy. I'd like to have an orgy with 50 Sweetteens and 1 Owneed. All 50 Sweetteens would line up and Owneed would walk down the line spanking each one. I'd imagine that each Sweetteen would moan dramatically with each spank. I'd just watch and enjoy. Maybe touch a penis or two so that people would know I'm part of this orgy. An_Jon would be in the background busting out the puns, and maybe we'd touch...or something.

5. What is the biggest age gap that you would consider? In terms of sexual relations?
As long as I wouldn't knock out a joint or go to jail, I'm cool. I prefer not wrinkly, though. Yeah, wouldn't wanna slip right off~

6. Are you a messy person?
*Looks around room* ...Darn. I need to clean.

7. Are you afraid of dying?
There's so much I want to do, and a fear of death or incarceration makes living very boring. Death will come, and when it does....ima giv hur uh kiss.

8. What are your top three kinks?
Profanity, Bondage, Body Writing

9. Do you have a fetish? If so, what is it?
Having a master.

10. Have you ever been attracted to someone who was considered "Ugly" by society?
Mentally ugly? Nah that's a turn-off. Physically ugly? Now that's in the eye of the beholder. When I asked Society for an opinion, she scoffed. We aren't on good terms.

11. What do you fantasize about in sex?
Reenacting a tentacle porn scene using ropes...lots of ropes.

12. What is your #1 turn off?
Feet, and people I find boring.

13. Do you adhere to any superstitions? If so, give an example!
There's a seal on my university grounds. If you step on it, the GPA gods reign terror and you're cursed to never get a perfect score again. I walk around it every time.

14. Have you video'd yourself either masturbating or having sex?

15. Do you consider yourself to be intelligent?
Not as intelligent as I want to be. Maybe if I keep learning new things everyday, I'll get there some day.

16. Do you feel uncomfortable now?
I feel good. This was kind of cathartic.
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