Thread: Fiction: Exchange Visit
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Old 01-30-2015, 03:47 AM   #5
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Default Chapter 3


“So are you?” Freja asked, rinsing soap from her glistening body.

“Am I what?”

“Going to get off with them,” Freja said, “Catherine and Sarah.”

“Maybe,” Anna replied, “Maybe not.”

The two girls finished showering and stepped out of the stall onto the tiled floor of the bathroom. They wrapped towels around their torsos and heads, in the same way that Sarah had done and then made their way quickly back to their room.

They dried themselves off and then Anna unwrapped her head towel. “I don’t have a hair dryer,” she said.

“Don’t tell me you forgot to pack the most important item of luggage?” Freja mocked.

Anna sighed. “I wonder,” she said, almost to herself, but loud enough for Freja to hear, “if Catherine might have one.”

“Go and ask her,” Freja said. “She did say if you needed anything, just ask.”

Anna nodded.

“Two doors down on the left,” Freja pointed out.

“Yes, I remember,” Anna said.

With a towel once again wrapped around her torso, almost covering her breasts and crotch, Anna went out into the hallway and found Catherine’s room. Before she went in, she smelled food being cooked and guessed it was coming from the kitchen at the other end of the hallway. She quickly padded down to the kitchen.

Another girl, who Anna hadn’t seen before, was in there, chopping up carrots at a work surface.

“Hi,” the girl said, as she saw Anna. The girl had short wavy black hair and wore jeans and a woollen sweater.

“Hey,” Anna said, “I’m new here. Anna Svenson. I’m on exchange from Sweden.”

“Didn’t they give you any clothes?” the girl said, as she got back to her carrots.

“I have just had a shower,” Anna said, by way of explanation for her unclothed state.

The girl nodded. “I’m Maria,” she said. “Pleased to meet you.”

“And you too," Anna replied, "Are you the chef?”

"We take it in turns," Maria replied, "There's a rota on the noticeboard."

Anna nodded. "Well, see you later," she said as she exited the kitchen again.
Something smelled good in there. She secretly wondered what Maria's pussy smelled like.

She went back up to Catherine’s room and knocked loudly on the door.

“Yes?” came Catherine’s voice from within, “Who is it?”

“Anna Svenson,” Anna called, “May I come in?”

“Of course,” Catherine said, “The door’s unlocked.”

Anna opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door behind her.

Catherine was sitting at her desk, tapping away at a laptop. She looked up and the surprise on her face was obvious. “Oh,” she said, “I didn’t realise...”

“Sorry for my...” Anna began, “We have just taken a shower.”

“I see,” Catherine said.

“I was wondering,” Anna asked, “If you have a hair dryer I may use.”

“I think so,” Catherine said, “Over by the closet.” She pointed as if Anna wouldn’t know what a closet was.

Anna went over to the closet and found the hair dryer amongst several other items on the floor. She picked it up.

Catherine went back to her laptop.

“May I dry my hair in here?” Anna asked.

“If you like,” Catherine said.

Anna plugged the hair dryer into the power socket by the bed and began blasting her hair with it, smoothing out the long strands as she dried them. “I’m not disturbing you am I?” she asked Catherine.

“Sorry?” Catherine said.

“Am I...?” Anna decided not to bother. “Thank you for your help,” she said, changing the subject.

“No problem,” Catherine said, tapping away at the laptop.

“So, what are you studying?” Anna spoke louder to be heard over the sound of the hair dryer.

“Chemistry,” Catherine said, “And I have an assignment to complete before tomorrow, so...”

“Sorry,” Anna said, as she turned the dryer off.

Catherine just nodded and Anna wasn’t sure if it was in acknowledgement or annoyance.

“Where shall I put this?” Anna said, waving the hair dryer.

“Just leave it on the bed,” Catherine said, “I’ll put it away later.”

“I’ll be on my way then,” Anna said, as she dropped the hair dryer on the bed and stood up. She paused at the door. “There was one more thing,” she said. She waited until Catherine looked up. “I was wondering if you...” Anna then dropped her towel, as if it had fallen by accident. “Oh, sorry,” she said, bending down to pick the towel up.

Catherine was just staring in disbelief. “Look,” she said, “I don’t know how you do things in Sweden, but over here...”

Anna interjected. “We do things the same, I believe,” she smiled, “We just do them better.”

“Yes, well, I think it might be better if you put some clothes on,” Catherine said, “We’ll be having dinner soon, and you don’t want to put the other girls off their food.”

Anna nodded as she wrapped the towel around her torso again. She walked out into the hallway and closed the door.

“Stuck up bitch!” Anna muttered to herself as she made her way back to her own room.

To be continued...
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