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Old 01-27-2015, 08:12 PM   #232
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Originally Posted by SweetTeen View Post
Almost a year on getdare.. , what do you think has influence you the most BESIDES Dark?

What is your favorite moment that you remember from getdare?

Did the tattoo hurt?

Favorite quote?

Can you lick your nose with your tongue?

Did you buy a wrabbit plug yet?

Any Advice for having low self esteem?
First, let me thank ST for reviving this thread that is better left to the cobwebs of time. I will get even.

I have met a lot of great (and not so great) people on GD. I won't rank order friendships but I hope they know I am thankful they came into my life. My week as LyPh's Domme was probably the most influential event that didn't center around Dark. Dark was a vital part of it and helped mentor me along, but he let me take the lead. LyPh was an awesome sub so I got lucky.

Perhaps I'm showing my true colors but one of my favorite moments was daring some poor sub to masturbate using mustard as a lube. His report back to the room was hysterical.

Getting the tattoo wasn't bad at all. My friend came with me and talked the entire time to take my mind off it. It actually hurt worse afterwards like a really bad sunburn. What really sucked was not shaving that area of my leg until it healed completely. Patience is not one of my virtues.

From Robert A. Heinlein... "When the ship lifts, all bills are paid. No regrets."

No and no.

I wish I had some magical advice for low self esteem. It's something everyone has to struggle through. Just when you think you have it beat, it changes and you start all over again. Dark has improved my life in so many ways. One of the sweetest gifts he has given me is holding me when I fall and putting me back on my feet. He believes in me. That has made all the difference.

PostScript: I couldn't sleep without adding something to my response. As soon as a put my head on the pillow subbie brain chirped up with "What about your birthday?" Dark had arranged all my GD friends to be in the chat room to wish me a happy birthday. Is was so unexpected and so sweet that it made me cry. That is my favorite moment so far.

Last edited by Tibbar2; 01-27-2015 at 08:47 PM. Reason: Subbie brain
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