Thread: Fiction: Karma, incest is a bitch.
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Old 01-07-2015, 06:53 PM   #10
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Location: Take a globe and spin it, point to a given square mile and I will say yes/no
Posts: 154

The garage door opened slower then any door in the history of man, creaking loudly as it opened its massive maw and exposed me to the world. There was nobody outside, the world was silent, as it should be at 6 in the morning. I grabbed the handles of the trash bin and began to run, and run, our drive way was long, it stretched behind our landlord's house to the subdivision behind it, thankfully the landlord's house was fenced in, small mercies.
my dick stiffened to a level I had never thought possible, but I was still shaking with fear, all and all, I kinda liked it, I would be sure to make my bitch sister repeat the task for me later.
30 feet away from the street, I was still in the alley, and a car passed by, I stood stalk still as my heart went into overdrive. The second the car took to pass lasted an hour in my eyes, I saw the parent in the front, staring at the road, and the 2 kids in the back, one pushing the other, the first must have been a middle schooler, he was pushing a small child in a booster seat, could not have been older then preschool, but his eyes fixed directly on me.
Dispite the fact that I had had a huge trash bin over anything anybody would have liked to see, and it being a small child, probably not old enough to speak, let alone tell his mother, I had still been looked at naked, and for some reason, I kinda liked it.
It took less then a minute to reach the end of the drive way, in that time, I thought of my sister, of being ordered, and my boner went saggy, and started to shrivel in the cold, my body and my subconscious were more then ready to take revenge, but my conscious said "no, wait, let her give us more ideas". Just the thought of her doing this brought me back to half mast, and the thought of her not wearing a shirt, but a thin layer of body paint left me almost dripping precum as I walked back to the house, giving my poor, poor sister exactly the view she expected through the front window.

Last edited by Conviction; 01-07-2015 at 07:53 PM.
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