Thread: Fiction: Karma, incest is a bitch.
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Old 01-03-2015, 11:18 PM   #2
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Take a globe and spin it, point to a given square mile and I will say yes/no
Posts: 154

for the next 24 hours, my life was as close to hell as it had ever gotten. Emmi left me alone that night, she thought she was giving me a sense of false confidence, making me think it would not be so bad. The little whore could not have been any further from the truth, it gave me time, the time I needed to disable the "recording" light on a couple of crappy cameras I have kept around (2004 Christmas gift crappy video recorder, 2006 better recorder bought when my parents thought the old one broke, it was only out of batteries, and a 2010 model I had recently purchased for my self from scraping together odd jobs around the house) hide a couple more... secret items around the house, rig our router to block outgoing files greater then 1 megabyte (no more videos would make it out from this house without me knowing) and start rehearsing my lines for the next day.

6:00 am the next morning, I awoke to someone breathing on my face, and the sound of my sister whispering "good morning" in one of the most sensual voices I had ever heard her use, I was only reassured by the thought that the video only had half the moans caught out, I had set up a teamviewer on my sisters computer a couple years ago when she got it, sorrofully I could only look, as it was locked after I finished setting it up, and had forgotten to allow myself full control, I had kept an eye on her screwing with the sound, she wanted the viewers to hear every sound I made, without her needing to be recognizable, it would take a bit more time, I knew I could keep my veto power until tonight.

"get up you sorry whore" she said quietly, still trying to avoid waking our parents "I need you to clean my room and take out the trash before mom wakes up".
I grumbled, but got up, It wouldn't do to have the illusion spoiled just yet, I needed to wait to put the plan into motion, I needed to see what she would do, how bad she would be. I meant for what came out of my mouth to be a grim "OK" instead a growling curse came to my lips, I was sure to regret that, but the look on my sisters face as she scanned the room like a rabbit was priceless, like she expected mom to pop out of the woodwork, I barely stifled a laugh.
"fuck" she said, "don't ever do that again, especially not with mom sleeping"
This time I managed to agree with her, having wiped the sleep sand out of my eyes, I got up, and prepared to dress for my tasks.
"oh no you don't" she said, grabbing my underwear "this is what you get for scaring me like that"
I sighed in exasperation, "do I get to wear anything mistress?"
she chuckled at the sound of the word mistress, apparently she liked it, and replied "shirt, socks, shoes, no pants, no underwear"
I grimaced, "yes mistress"
she chuckled again as I dressed and walked out the door. I had 2 tasks, first, clean her room, this would come after taking out the trash, that would be harder later.
I went into the kitchen, grabbed the trash bag, and threw it into the bin in the garage. The hard part would come next, first I would need to open the garage door, probably hiding behind the bin, then push the bin down our long driveway to the edge of a moderately busy street, it would be almost empty at this hour, but there was still a chance of someone seeing, especially because I was hard enough to push up the bottom of the shirt with my dick. I gulped, hesitated, and pressed the button to open the garage door.

Last edited by Conviction; 01-07-2015 at 06:45 PM.
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