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Old 07-06-2009, 04:05 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by BettyBoop View Post
That is a horrid thing to do to someone.
Sounds like it... but, it was meant to be "motivating."

I've helped a lot of people get into shape. 99% of the time, those that were looking to lose weight, simply lacked the appropriate "motivation." I'm not talking about those that couldn't because of a medical related condition or even those that were "happy" with their body. I'm talking about those that "claimed" they wanted to lose weight.

Traditionally, people think that money or a prize of some sort (or even having to pay for a gym membership) will give them the motivation to get in shape. After a while, the "sacrifices" are no longer worth the "prize" and they lose interest. Further, when there are multiple people involved all hoping to "win" the same prize, as soon as a participant sees they are dropping behind there is a tendency to just "give up." If the focus changes to the person in "last" place, the thinking is you can NOT give up. There is ALWAYS a chance, if you keep going, you will NOT be in last place. So, before the challenge ever began, I made it clear what the motivating factor was going to be. Everyone participating agreed and vowed to carry out the task, no matter who came in last.

Anyway... just thought I'd explain... cuz, although I AM a prankster and I LOVE the creativity behind "good" jokes, I'm really NOT a "mean-hearted" indvidual.
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