Thread: Fiction: The Life I Wanted for Us
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Old 12-10-2014, 04:19 PM   #9
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Default Part 5

He laid there next to me, his ass uncovered and then flipped over so I could see his beautiful uncircumcised penis. It wasn’t completely erect and so the foreskin still covered part of the head. His balls hung innocently against his right thigh. I just looked at it for a good thirty seconds. It pulsed slightly under my stare and I looked back up at him.

“Shall we put the cover back on?” I asked.

“No, but it’s my turn to ask you. Truth or dare?” He said

“Dare,” I replied, still nervous.

“I dare you to take your boxers off,” he replied.

I knew it was coming. I slipped my hands under my boxers and slipped them down my legs slowly. I could see him crane his neck to get a sneak peak at my own dick. Once I got them over my ass, I pulled my legs up slowly pulling them off one leg, then the other. I definitely had a semi going and I was embarrassed about the situation. He took about as long as I did just to look at my dick before I grabbed his chin and tilted it up to look me in the eyes.

“Truth or Dare?” I asked smiling.

“Truth,” he replied.

“Did you ever think we would be in this position?” I asked him.

“Not in a million years,” he replied.

“Truth or dare,” he asked me.

“Dare,” I replied.

He paused for a second. He looked guilty, there was this tortured undertone to his expression that made it seem like this was hurting him in some way.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“Nothing,” he replied, not meeting my eye.

“Justin, I’ve known you for years, I how you get when something is bother you. Just tell me,” I responded.

“Ok…” he said again before pausing. “It’s just, the last person I did anything sexual with was Amelia, and then she really hurt me. I don’t want to get hurt again,” he said finally looking me in the eyes.

He and Amelia had dated for three months at the beginning of our Junior year. This had been Justin’s first real relationship and it had ended pretty poorly. I was extremely jealous of Amelia and never thought that she treated Justin particularly well, but it wasn’t my place to get involved. I knew that they had done things together, but I knew they had not gone all the way. This was actually really touching to me. I had found a guy that sex actually meant something more then sex to and that made him special.

“Hey, we don’t have to do anything sexual if you don’t want. This can just be fun. Also, I care about you, I always have, and so if someone is going to get hurt here, I guarantee you it will be me, but let’s try and make it so neither of us get’s hurt…ok?” I replied.

“Sounds good to me, where were we?” He said.

“You were about to dare me,” I said.

“I dare you to kiss me for thirty seconds,” he said smiling.

“Gladly,” I said before beginning to lean in.
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