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Old 12-07-2014, 10:16 PM   #48
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 41

Tell me ten things that turn you on?

Using strange objects like the bristles of a hair brush etc, semi public dares, clitoris play, instructions, dominance, humiliation, guys, guys who smell good, vaginal stretching, bondage

5 things that turn you off?

Dares that take forever, people who are pushy for you to cam with them, extreme anal, stupidity, stuck up masters who think they know everything

What sex toys do you own? (household objects used for personal 'pleasure' such as clothespegs, candles, phallic vegetables etc do count!)

Umm pretty much every household object you can think of, I don't own any formal sex toys.

What sex toys do you want to have, but don't?

I want every sex toy available! Dildos, vibrators, anal beads/balls, enema kits, double dildos, bondage equipment etc etc

What is your favorite toy?

Out of house hold objects, probably my hairbrush

What is the most perverted thing you have ever done?

Probably inserting a banana and leaving it in all day and then eating it

What is the most painful thing you have done for sexual pleasure/a dare?

Using the bristles of my hairbrush for the first time

What is the most disgusting thing you have ever done for sexual purposes/a dare?

Probably played in my own piss

What is the biggest thing you have ever had inside you?

My fist

How many times do you masturbate in a day, and how?

Usually once or twice a day and through clitoris or through dares

What real life encounter has had you most turned on and horny?

Probably meeting a person for the first time and having sex with them in public places

What is your most perverted/twisted sexual fantasy?

Being tormented to a sadistic master and being his slave, being tied up and stretched, kept in cages and always having to wear dildos or butt plugs, or having to wear a toilet brush inside me and having my pussy lips stretched, just something really sadistic

What is your favourite fantasy, if different?

As above I suppose

Do you like the taste of cum? What about your pussy juice? Pee?

I hate the taste of cum and my own pussy juice, I have never tasted my own pee I don't think I would have the balls to do that

What is the longest you have ever been tied up for?

I have never been tied up, but would be a major fantasy for it to happen one day

Describe the most sexy outfit you own?

Probably a super woman outfit, that I wear with or without a lace bra and g-string

What do you like about Getdare?

I just love meeting new people and getting to know them as well as finding a master and completing dares and tasks.

What do you dislike about get dare?

Those creepy perverted guys who are basically your online stalker

What is the dare you most enjoyed doing?

I enjoyed my all night dare the most, where I had to sleep naked with a carrot in my pussy and toothpaste over my ass and clit

Which dare did you enjoy doing least?

Dares that are boring and unoriginal, guys that can't think of dirty things to do with limited objects

What two things do you love the most. Why?

Horses, because they just give me a sense of life that no one else does and probably masturbating and doing slave dares just because I do

What do you hate the most?

Stuck up and nosey people or people who think the world revolves around them

what is your favorite activity to do with friends?

Horse riding

What is your greatest strength?

My resilience

What is your greatest weakness?

My ability to make friends

What is your biggest vice?

Don't really have one, but I hate smoking!

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

Learn beauty therapy

Which superpower would you most like?

Teleportation/time travel

Have your dreams come true, or make someone else's?

My dreams come true

What do you miss most about being a kid?

The ability to wear my pyjamas in public and not be judged

Be a dragon, or have a pet dragon?

Pet dragon

Cuddles, or sex?

Depends on my mood

Cake, or death?

Cake dahh

Winter, or summer?


City or Country?

I love both, grown up in the country but love city life as well

Classic, or 'new and improved'?

New and improved

Dark or milk chocolate?


Dogs or cats?


Fiction, or non-fiction?

Either depends on writer and style

Picnic, or nice restaurant?

Either I enjoy both, picnic in summer, restaurant in winter

Driving or walking?


Books, or films?


Bacon, or cheese?


Tea or Coffee?


Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

Maybe cats aren't fond of processed mice or the cost of producing such large quantities of mice for meals just isn't worth the hassle

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?

Theres a shortage of lemons available so they had to sacrifice one
Likes: private humiliation, masturbation, anal, pain, wedgie, hard bondage, enema, vaginal and anal stretching (beginner)

Limits: edging, Blood, poop, pee, public, family, friends, vomit, social suicide, orgasm denial, pics and cam, whipping, lines, spanking

Toys: vegetables, clothespins, tape, toothpaste, hair brush, textas and pens, bottles and other household items
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