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Old 12-03-2014, 05:00 PM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Colorado
Posts: 31

1. Would you rather wear your last Halloween costume or last nights sleepwear for a whole year?(tell us what is is)

Well, that would either be a Doc Brown costume, complete with wig or just a t shirt and sweat pants. I think I'd have to do the latter.

2. Would you rather be naked in stocks/pillory in a public place for an hour then get your clothes back or wake up at a 2 hours walk from your house naked with just your house key?

A much as I would hate the 2 hour walk in bare feet, I could probably get through it all without being seen.

3. Would you be more embarrassed if your mom or dad caught you masturbating?

Mom, definitely.

4. Would you rather be hypnotized to act like a dog or a baby?

Probably a dog. At least I wouldn't be messing my pants with uncontrolled bowels.

5. Would you rather be the only one naked at a party fully of guys or girls?

I guess it would depend on what the context was. If I was expected to be naked then the girl party, if I just showed up naked unannounced then the guy party.

6. Would you rather go to the doctor to remove a vibrating egg from your ass or wait a week until it falls out?(its on a low vibrate the whole time)

If I knew it was going to fall out I'd just wait. Besides that would feel pretty good

7. Would you rather do a lap dance or a pole dance for your celebrity crush?

Pole dance. At least I could make a fool of myself at a distance.

8. Would you rather only be able to have sex after eating an onion or a can of beans? (onion = bad breath and beans = farting a lot)

bad breath would probably be easier to avoid.

Both guys and girls can answer the next 2 just for fun
9. Would you rather have a 3 inch penis or an 15 inch penis when erect?

Despite the end of my penis being so far away, I wouldn't mind having the extra length the play with

10. Would you rather have an A cup or an F cup bra size?

An F cup just sounds like so much trouble, I'd be happy with A's

11. Would you rather have a unicorn horn or a fluffy bunny rabbit tail?

Tail for sure

12. Would you rather be strip searched at an airport or the entrance of a nightclub on the spot?

Airport, at least I might have a foggy window to hide behind

13. Would you rather wear a butt plug or a ball gag for 5 hours?

Buttplug, if only because I've always wanted to try one.

14. Would you rather a one night stand find out you wear the opposite genders undies or that you grow a jungle down there when its time to strip?

I wouldn't mind wearing some panties.

15. Would you rather give oral to the next stranger you see or the last person you texted?(who was it)

Ah jeez. despite him being the person I've known longest in the world I don't think I could do it. I'll just keep my eyes closed till I hear an attractive starnger.

16. Would you rather your results of this quiz to be posted on your Facebook or on your kitchen fridge for a month?

I'll just hide it behind something on the fridge.
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