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Old 06-29-2009, 06:00 AM   #4
Mysterious the 1st
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Originally Posted by CodtsQ View Post
It is a huge issue. For those who want to live, of course. I'm not saying it's going to kill us in a few years, but think about your children, and their children. They will have to deal with what we do today. The solutions are the ones that the media talks about. Use cars and fuel that don't produce so much CO2 and use Solar power. If the Ozone layer dissolves much further, the suns heat could kill us all, which is why we should at least try to stop it, or at least slow it down.
The planet has warmed up and cooled done repeatedly throughout it's entire 4.8 billion year history without any form of intervention by life so what's to say it won't start cooling down by itself? Also the disaster scenarios are all exagerated to scare people.

Interesting thing to note, back in around 2000 when this started to really take off. Scientists said we had 10 years to save the planet otherwise it would be irreperably damaged. Just a couple of weeks back guess what a scientist said? 'We have 10 years to save the planet' Now if the original calculations were correct then surely we only have 1 year left. Wait governements want to milk this for all it's worth so saying that keeps the option of 'green' taxes available.
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