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Old 11-23-2014, 04:16 PM   #18
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: North America
Posts: 92

1. Headphones or earphones?

Headphones. I actually use a pair of Beats by Dre.

2. What is your "getting ready for a date" ritual?

First date mentality:

Freak out mentally. Shower, wash.

Try to calm myself down with music.

Dress nicely. Brush teeth. Comb hair.

Remember to breathe.

Practice topics of conversation to try to not come off as a boring idiot.

Stop at the ATM to make sure I have some cash on hand if needed.

Go to meet the girl.

3. Have you labeled yourself things (such as OCD, depression, bi-polar, ADD, ADHD) without a professional's opinion?

I have some OCD tendencies. If I start a task, I have to finish it before I start another task.

I am also somewhat tactile defensive.

4. Aliens. Do they exist? Are they here already?

The odds of life not existing somewhere else in this universe is extremely small. So I have no doubt that alien life does exist.

I doubt that aliens are here already, however.

5. Pirates. Favorite non-fictional pirate?

Steve Jobs. (Look up 'phreaking')

6. Do you prefer long hair or short hair on the opposite sex?

Long hair.

7. If you discovered an unknown land... what would you name it?


8. In your opinion, what is the most adequate type of legal system?

I prefer the American legal system, if only because its weighted to protect the accused's rights.

9. Would you rather be the cheater or be cheated on?

I'd rather be alone than in either situation.

10. Have you ever cheated in school (pre-school through grad school)? Don't lie! :P

No, I've always been too afraid that I'd get caught. And I am a terrible liar to begin with.

11. How many children do you want, if any?

At least one girl.

12. Do you consider sex to be an important part of a successful romantic relationship?

I don't know about an 'important' part, but I think it is a part regardless.

13. How long have you gone without bathing?

A day. I shower daily.

14. Do you like the way you look?

Yes, for the most part. Though I seriously need to step up my yoga exercises.

15. Have you ever found yourself quoting a Disney movie?

'The time has come!', the Walrus said,
'To speak of many things -
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax,
Of cabbages and kings.
And why the sea is boiling hot,
and whether pigs have wings

16. When was the last time you blushed?

Today, watching A To Z.

17. Are you happy?

Yes, no, maybe so.

18. What is your favorite pastime?

To play video games and read.

19. Least favorite food?

Cauliflower. And crow.

20. Who has inspired you to be a better person?[/QUOTE]

Those people that depend on me to be a rock, one of which the gates of hell shall not prevail against.
I do not have an avatar, because I am a little dirty rebel.

The story I am writing, Rainfall.

Please give it a read, and tell me what you honestly think.


Piņa coladas, and getting caught in the rain. I like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.


Coffee. The fact that Pushing Daisies only got two seasons. And that there are some people who really believe that love is not all you need.
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