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Old 11-20-2014, 02:10 PM   #35
gD Curio
Cstelle's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: The Norf. ("Lots of planets have a Norf!")
Posts: 968
Blog Entries: 166

1. What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger?

Mustard, 'chup, raw onion, cheddar.

2. Rock, paper, or scissors?

Yes, please. (Paper?)

3. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator, or stuck in traffic?

Traffic, I think. More to see.

4. Have you ever read through a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse’s phone?


5. Would you rather be male or female?

Ah. Difficult question. I am male, but I would rather... or... because fantasies are not real... I think I would rather... I don't... oh... ohhhh...

6. When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?

Never. I'm not entirely sure that I know what it is. Jelly is jam, but "peanut butter"?

7. Would you rather date someone 10 years younger then you or 20 years older then you?

I'm oldie-farty. I'd prefer someone 20 years younger than me. Or even 30. Someone still alive...

8. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?

Jumped - fell wrong on left arm. Volleyball - right wrist. Nose - military (friendly fist). Rib - downhill skiing. Rib - cutting grass. Rib - full contact karate. Toe - full contact karate. Toe - sofa. Toe - same damn sofa. (I may have cracked a few more ribs and toes - its difficult to say!)

9. What was the first concert you went to see?

My parents took me to concerts & stuff when I was still a baby. They said I loved it & never cried... The first proper concert was probably some local punk/new wave thing around 1975.

10. At what age did you lose your virginity? If you’re still a virgin, what are your reasons for waiting?

I was 18 or 19. But its really a question of definition...

11. What’s the first thing you notice about someone you’re attracted to?

Eyes. I think. Or maybe I look at their eyes only because I'm attracted to them?!? Difficult to know! Also, because I have been attracted to both boys and girls: it depends!

12. If you HAD to get a tattoo, what would you get and where would you get it?

Right shoulder, a small and discreet symbol - a personal sign I'm not going to talk about. But it's important. I've thought about if for twenty years.

13. Would you rather it be really cold and sunny, or really hot and rainy?

Oh, hot and rainy! I'd pay for hot and rainy!

14. What’s your last private message about?

Do friend requests count?

15. Do you have any particular getdare profiles that you like to visit often?

Not yet. I'm new. Ish.

16. What’s the last movie you watched?

Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. (I'm in bed with a cold & they showed it on the telly yesterday. -- Sorry. Felt I needed to explain myself.)

17. What’s your favorite tv series?

Currently running: Doctor Who and Sherlock. Oldie stuff: ooooh... so much! Dinnerladies! Bottom! West Wing! Two Pints! Coupling! Mighty Boosh! Foyle's War! The Royle Family! So much! So much! I love them all!

18. What was the last photo you took of?

Man pressure washing the building opposite - third floor. It looked cool.

19. What’s your favorite getdare thread?

I couldn't say. I don't follow any particular threads - I'm dipping into the pot...

20. What was the last thing that you said outloud?

"Dipping". Or was it "pot"?

Mm... Well, now it's "pot".

Shit. No, it was "it's".

Fuck. Now it's "No..."

Frrrststs! Now it's "this I say aloud"
/Male, fairly weird - and old like Morrissey and Madonna

I'm especially keen on hidden/semi public stuff (preferably outdoors) and I like to take selfies; I'm averse to anything unethical, illegal, harmful, painful, messy/dirty/unsanitary/icky or otherwise unpleasant.
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