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Old 11-19-2014, 09:15 AM   #59
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 277
Target Chapter 20

Truth and dare interrupted by bullies

Chapter 20

Sunday goes by and it gets Monday. During school the six friends have send text messages to each other, trying to find the next game time.
Adam: “If it has to be at my place, we have to wait a couple of weeks.”
Nikki: “We have to do it soon, I cannot continue like this – I miss my underwear!”
Jenny: “We can play in our basement Wednesday.”
Mike: “No one sooner?”
Tom: “If everyone can complete the other dare by Wednesday, let’s do that – 7 PM?”
Elena: “Sounds like a deal – Jenny will you sent a message to them?”
Jenny: “Sure!”
She sends the message, as soon as she has left school.

Karl reads the message, and calls for his sister: “Lena, they want to play Wednesday!”
Lena shouts back: “Cool – I am really looking forward to the next game. Hope it will be as good as the last game.”
Bobby also reads the message and thinks: “Nice one, and at Jenny and Tom. They must really want to play again, since they change the location.”
Sue reads the message as the last one, she thinks: “I hope that they have all done their dares. Especially I am looking forward to hear about the underwear…”

Elena walks home after school Monday, she thinks: “I have to complete my second dare.”
She walks to a nearby small shop and enters. Luckily there are no customers, so she walks to the desk: “Ten condoms please.”
The middle-aged male behind the desk looks at Elena for a moment. Then he turns around, finds the condoms, hands them to Elena, and she pays.
He follows Elena with his eyes, as she leave the shop.
Elena thinks: “Phew… I am so relieved that he did not ask any questions…”

Tom too is trying to complete his dare on his way from school. He thinks: “I have to find a store that does not know me.”
He walks a large detour, to find a shop, where he will never go to again.
Tom finds the shop, and stand in the line. In front of him are a teenage girl, and behind her and old lady.
The teenage girl finishes and leaves, and the old lady walks to the desk.
Tom is getting more and more nervous, and the old lady takes her time. She talks and talks. Tom is getting cold feet, and seriously considers to exit the shop.
Finally she leaves, and Tom slowly moves to the desk, looking into the floor.
The middle-aged female shopping assistant asks: “What can I do for you?”
Tom tries to look at the shopping assistant, but his eyes won’t leave the ground: “I… would like… to buy… ten con… condoms…”
The shopping assistant looks at Tom: “Are you not a little young for that?”
There is silent for a moment, before Tom lies: “I… I… am buying them… for my older brother…”
The shopping assistant buys the story and sympathies with Tom: “Oh I see, he is too embarrassed to come here himself. I am sorry you have to do this for him. I hope he pays you well for this, else ask him to come himself next time – Okay.” She smiles at Tom and gives him the condoms.
Tom pays and leaves.

Nikki sits in her room after dinner. She thinks: “Where do I buy the condoms?”
She goes to her laptop and searches for condoms in her browser. The first search results are information about condoms, and the next many are online sex shops.
Nikki thinks again: “Okay… I have to find a sex shop… Oh this is going to be so embarrassing…”
She leaves her home and walks down the street. Nikki remembers a place relative close by, she has walked past it a few times.
Nikki arrives at the street of the sex shop, and she walks towards the door. As she gets closer, she slows down, she thinks: “Ohhhh… this is so embarrassing… I am not even allowed in there…”
She walks just inside the shop, and two adult men look at her with a smile on their faces.
Nikki stands there and look around for a moment. She sees all kind of sex toy and DVDs. Most of the toys she can only imagine what is for.
One of the men approaches Nikki and asks: “Lost little girl?”
Nikki looks at him: “Noo… I am just…” She cannot get herself to say anymore.
The man gives her a moment, but as she does not say any more, he asks: “You know that you are not old enough to buy any of this?” he points around.
Nikki pulls herself together: “I just want to… buy some condoms…”
The man looks at Nikki for quite some time, before he gives in: “Okay… Why not… Okay… Come with me…”
Nikki considers it for a while, until the man has walked all the way to desk, she follows him.
The man finds some condoms, and Nikki pays for them. She turns around and walks towards the door.
The other man now stands next to the door, smiles and asks: “Sure you don’t want anything else?”
Nikki blushes and walks fast past him and outside. She thinks: “My god that was even more embarrassing, than I thought…”

The next day Adam is thinking on his way home from school: “I have to do it today or tomorrow – Why not just get it done?”
He walks to the nearest store, and walks inside.
There is just one customer in line, and the customer in front of him soon leaves.
Adam looks at the young female shopping assistant: “Ten condoms please.”
The shopping assistant does not even look at Adam, she just finds the condoms for Adam to pay for.
A moment later Adam is outside again, he thinks: “That was easy enough why should that be an issue?”

At the same time Mike has also decided to try to complete his dare.
Mike walks to a shop and enters. He walks around a little, trying to gather enough courage to buy the condoms. He goes to the fridge and collect a coke, before walking to the line.
Finally it is Mike’s turn to pay, he tries to ask for the condoms, but he fails.
Shortly after Mike stands outside the store, with just the coke in his hand.
Mike thinks: “Why is it so hard?”
He drink his coke, as he walks down the street. Mike finishes his coke and goes to the next store. He thinks before entering: “Come on Mike, just do it!!”
Mike enters and collects a piece of chocolate, and again he goes to the line.
A while later Mike is next to pay: “I would also…”
The male shopping assistant: “Yes?”
Mike regrets: “No… nothing…” He pays for the chocolate and leaves.
Out in the street again, Mike thinks: “Ohhhh… Come on Mike!!!”
Mike walks around for some time, before he decides to enter yet another shop. He thinks as he enters: “This time I only buy what I am here to buy. No excuses!”
He walks to the line, and as it is his turn he asks: “Ten condoms… please…”
The old man behind the desk looks at Mike, then hands him the condoms.
Moments later Mike is smiling on his way out, he thinks: “Finally!”

Jenny has for unknown reasons for herself, decided to wait until the last day to complete the dare. She thinks: “Why did I also wait until today with the dare? I now have two hours until the game start. I wonder, what will happen if I do not complete it?”
She begin to fear the consequences: “… I really do not want to find out. I have to find a shop fast!”
Jenny goes to a shop and enters, she looks around.
Inside are a young male sales assistant and three teenage girls. The girls are walking around the shop talking and giggling.
Jenny too walks around for a moment, hoping that the girls will leave, but they don’t.
She waits for the girls to be as far away from the desk as possible, and goes for it.
Jenny asks the sales assistant: “I would like to buy ten condoms please.”
Sales assistant search for them behind the desk: “Sorry, I have to go to the storage room for more condoms.” He leaves Jenny.
In the meantime the girls have approached Jenny. One of them comes all the way to Jenny: “Soooo… You are buying condoms… You are going to have some fun?”
The other two girls have now surrounded Jenny, one of the teases Jenny: “You know how to use them – Right?”
Jenny blushes and try to look away. She thinks: “Come on, hurry up. It is so embarrassing to stand here.”
The third girl: “We can help you if you need so… Just lead us to you boyfriend!”
Finally the sales assistant returns, he looks at the four girls and gets a little embarrassed too.
Jenny puts the money on the desk, and the sales assistant manages to give her the condoms. She leaves in a hurry.
Outside she looks frequently over her shoulder, but the girls do not follow her.
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